Happy New Year ….

Happy New Year and welcome to 2013! I am so glad 2012 is over… remember one door closes and 5 open! Look back on the last year… what do you want to change? What do you want to achieve? Set your self some goals and change your attitude towards life…. DREAM….. BELIEVE…….ACHIEVE!!

My new years eve was amazing… my amazing cousin/twin came down from NYC and we were spoilt for a lovely week living like princess’s in London town! Life is what you make it…. it’s about being around the people you love and doing what you love! I was fortunate enough to have great people around me and going to a great places! My year ended with a bang….. I have rocketed into 2013 with a new mind set, new strategy on life and a kick ass attitude! **HI-FIVE**

For New Years eve we went to The Arts Club on Dover Street…. it was beautiful, the food was amazing and all of a sudden the clock struck 12 and we were dancing away into January!

So the Twin wore the cutest little dress from Topshop, the brand is Jones and Jones. They have been making these cute sticky out dresses for quite a while, their signature style is a high neck, low back, fitted waist and sticky under skirt! This dress looked stunning on and with simple accessories can really create an impact!DSC02443


My gorgeous blue dress was from Topshop… I have been eyeing up this floor length gown for quite a while and we found these two beauties at around 4pm on New Years Eve… it was a stress at first but after a few hours in Topshop on Oxford Circus we found the treasure! SAM_0371

I am literally falling in this photo…. not sure why I was smiling maybe because I was so happy 2012 was over! SAM_0284-2







DSC02439 tumblr_lwbd9yOq4o1r87h2qo1_500_large skeI went for a heavy glitter smokey eye… to get this look check out my up and coming beauty channel on youtube! It was so easy to do and lasted the whole night!


Remember this is YOUR year… you are writing the future and don’t let anyone else do it for you! Take control, kick ass and make yourself proud ladies!

tumblr_lwbd9yOq4o1r87h2qo1_500_largeWishes and dreams can come true but all it takes is some dedicate and a direction and you will get there! Don’t give up, pursue your dream and do what makes YOU happy!


Sometimes we have to make mistakes to make us into the people we are today!


Just kick back, enjoy, smile, life is too short to hold grudges! Love the people that love you and LIVE YOUR LIFE!


tumblr_m1r70opqhu1qkavhwo1_500Good luck and I hope this is YOUR year! xxxx


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Lessons of 2012

Christmas is out the way… the sales have started and the one thing on my mind… is New Years Eve…. This year has been a crazy year for me… literally a roller-coaster of emotions! It’s coming to the end of the year and I am going to be celebrating it with my Twin and family…. I can not be more excited! So before you plan your new years outfit….. have a look back … what have you achieved? What have you learnt? Are you happy? Is there anything that is holding you back?

I literally can’t wait for 2013… I am planning big things for this year…. I want to travel… I want my vibe to go global… I want to see Fashion shows left, right and centre… I want to start a brand and at the end of 2013 I want to look back and say I have achieved a majority of those points!

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Seriously think big to get big guys… set your self a few big goals this year and work hard!It will eventually pay off…. be positive… look at the people around you… look at your attitude towards life! Enjoy it… smile… set your standards high because if you don’t someone else will attempt it for you!


Be in control and try something new… I may sounds like I have had a shot of happiness…. but sometimes we forget what actually makes us happy…. it’s not the latest lipstick (sometimes this has a great affect ) …. it’s not how much we weight … it’s what we feel inside! Believe in yourself ….. believe…. plan…. achieve and kick ass! Sometimes we need a big kick to get us started….. if you regret something this year…don’t dwell on it… learn….. if you have lost a loved one… remember they are always with you!


We are constantly evolving and learning new things… be open minded… be happy… listen….learn…. live… and most importantly laugh! Don’t take it all too seriously, we have no idea what is around the corner! Live each day like it is your last and be happy….. money will not make you happy.. it can buy you nice things and take you to amazing places but deep down you need to be happy without the materialistic rubbish!


10 lessons from 2012

1) Focus on you…. as selfish as it may sound focus on you! At the end of the day who is going to love you more than you… honestly… you need to be a complete happy person before you start involving other in your life (romantically anyway)…. Sometimes you get so caught up in being a couple you forget who you really are! Make sure you never loose touch of what you want in life and put yourself first! Be happy and smile ladies! ….


2) Go with your instinct….. many many times this year I went against that gut feeling because some fool told me I was paranoid…. in the end I was right… never ever doubt yourself or let someone else think for you! Always go with what you feel… if you feel like it is the right decision at the time then go for it…. you will only live and learn! But the minute you feel something isn’t right … in anything… a friendship… a debate… a business deal.. and you get that weird feeling… question is! Don’t let it just pass by…..Always trust your own gut feeling! 


3) Family First.… they annoy you… they may even piss you off at times but 99% of the time they have your best interests at heart…. (most families do…. we hope anyway)! Again this year I was very silly and young and stupid not to listen to the most important people in my life…. when they tried to show me something in a different light! Again… I lived and learnt…. but sometimes you have to make these mistakes to realise who you are! This new year I will always listen to myself but will always believe that my family adores me…..Remember blood is thicker than water… your family have been their since day dot one! My brother and I have been through a world wind … we lost a family member… we learnt and surprisingly as much as he annoys me at times and I attempt to put him in a head lock (he is 3 years old so this is pretty hard at times) … I adore him…. he is a great guy and I will always be there for him! … never forget who you are or where you are from! 


4) Listen/take advice …… many many many times I went through a phase of ‘I know it all’ I’m twenty something old of course I know this and that… I am no longer a child… but the reality of it is that I don’t know it all! Maybe it’s an early 20 something arrogance … thank God I have grown out of that… the people who are older around you are normally alot wiser because they have made the mistakes… got the t shirt.. read the book.. when they can see someone else making the same mistake they try and help! Don’t be afraid to listen every once and a while…. have an open minded and then make the final decision! 


5) Do what makes you happy…. over the past year I was just doing things…. nothing that I loved or got me excited so this year I am focusing on what I love… I want to try new things.. I want to learn a few new skills… I want to laugh so hard it hurts! 


6) True Friends??… I use to have a lot of aquintences… you then realise then when something goes wrong who your real friends are… some old friends may come back! It is overwhelming how life can continue to surprise you… it would be boring if everything went to plan and we knew what was going to happen! My mum said you should be able to count your BEST friends on one hand… the ones you can actually trust! 


7)Never Settle…. sometimes as human beings we get a bit too comfortable… we should always be striving to the best we can be in every aspect! Don’t be lazy.. don’t settle! You have to set your standards high in life…(be realistic as well)

never settle quote

8) Be positive … seriously … shit happens.. but it’s what you do when it happens that make you the person you are! Instead of moping around man up **b*tch slap** .. stop crying! Sort it out and carry on….!! You don’t cry over spilt milk… so don’t bother crying now! Be positive.. think big… focus on what you love doing!


9) Out with the old… in with the new…. sometimes when a chapter closes in my life.. a bad chapter I like to remove or delete… I like to revamp something or revamp myself… this is most probably the reason women change their hair colour so often to get a ‘new’ identity for that moment in time! Keep it new.. keep it fresh and fun and love life!! i LITERALLY CAN’T STOP smiling… I am so happy! …. for getting rid of all the bad in my life!

Out with the old In with the new

10)Enjoy YOU time…. I know quite a few people who hate being on their own… i love it …. I enjoy my little Skeena world… I feel like I am back… I was hiding away for a while


What are your lessons ??? What will you be taking into 2013? What will you be leaving behind?

Bring on 2013

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