Terry De Havilland

I am always on the look for a new brand, something different with it’s own vibe! I can’t stand generic brands that filter the catwalk trends to their customers! I want something original and I found it…. FINALLY!

If you love shoes you are going to love Terry De Havilland, known as the ‘Rock and Roll Cobbler’ he is back with his exclusive store just off of Carnaby Street! Vibrant, full of colours, beautifully made with statement prints- and some of them even glow in the dark!




The SS13 collection stands for indulging, indulging in one’s love for pop art. With the charm of a Roy Lichtenstein painting and the visual stimulation of a Technicolor film, Terry De Havilland  is easy to wear and brightens up any outfit.



I need these shoes in my life… think its time to make an investment! I have a thing for cobalt blue shoes!



Not a heel lover, check out their festival boots which range from £180-£250 depending on the design! I think the sparkle takes off the hardcore edge of the shoes and makes them versatile! How will you wear them?



Check out their full collection online or visit the store! I will be investing in a pair very soon! And if you haven’t already you really should be asking yourself “why haven’t I?”. Make a statement in this years seasons collection.

Have an amazing day and don’t forget to love us on facebook, youtube, instagram and twitter!

Think big to get big peeps