Street Style London- Exclusive IWYS video

Finally it is here…… the first IWYS street style London video… my lovely friend Jamma and I ran up and down London to find the finest street style hotties in London! If you are involved in the video then firstly thank you…. you LOOK FAB! You stood out and yes …. I do want your style!

This first exclusive video focuses on what people are really wearing… how they are interpretting todays fashion … especially in London’s weather! We are a nation of fashionista’s and I salute anyone rocking their own style and standing out! We don’t want to be sheep wearing the same clothes… make a difference and try something new! If you are more of a ‘plain jane’ then try something new…. remember that the high street is your catwalk! Stand out…. dress how you feel! Sometimes I rock out in skinny jeans and converse and the next day I am head to toe in studs or neon… maybe not that extravagant but I love to make things my own! Don’t be bound by fashion trends…. do whatever you want to do and stand out!


Please share and spread the love on your facebook.. twitter… or whatever you want! Let’s appreciate street style …. we want to see what the nation is really wearing not models in a magazine!



This is just a sneak peek…. hope you love it!

Subscribe on youtube and the site to keep up to date !

Don’t forget think big to get big! I can’t wait for London Fashion Week… all the most stylist outraegous people in one location!

Do what you love……


January Look Book Part 1

Hello Ladies … (and gents if you are watching or reading this blog)! I have finally had some time to create a quick little sneak peak into this months wardrobe! I firstly have to admit that I have a thing for flowy shirts, I love an outrageous pattern and love a good skinny jean! Recently I invested in some of the best skinnies I have got my hands on for years… and surprisingly they were not even that expensive! If you want a decent skinny jean get theĀ super soft skinny from warehouse! They are soft, extremely skinny and look amazing one!

In regards to the obsession with flowly print shirts… I have a whole level in my wardrobe just for my shirts, I get them from everywhere… Primark, ASOS, H&M, Warehouse, Topshop.. whatever tiggles my fancy!

The new collection from Zara this season is making me contemplate of breaking into my savings and investing in some new pieces!

I love a great heel and in doubt I will rock my leather jacket and heels…. this season I want to mix it up with more double prints… more funky colours and some crazy skirts! I continually admit to myself that I have no clothes…. even though a majority of my wardrobe still is unworn… I still need that buzz from the newness! I am a self confessed fashion addict, as I am getting older I feel the need to invest in my clothes and steer away from FAD trends!


I can’t wait to get paid and hit the shops, there are quite a few new bits that I want to invest in this season…. more blazers, new skinnies, statement heels and some new dresses!




I hope you like the video, please subscribe if you have youtube and love us on facebook!

Thank you
