Live Your Life … it’s not a rehearsal

We spend so much time stressing about doing this and that … we forget to enjoy each day and to just live! Stop stressing… smile… laugh.. cry… scream… whatever it is but enjoy every moment! Absorb the world around you and explore something new! Do something new this week… stop procrastinating and just do! Nothing has to be perfect… forget the plan and just do! Don’t be scared… dive in head first and enjoy it… you may succeed … it might not go to plan but you would never know if you don’t try! Everything happens for a reason.. smile…… and kick sadness in the face!

Check out my amazing colourful weekend around London….. remember it’s not a rehearsal so go for it! Embrace everything!!!!!!







(my attempt at climbing a tree….. it didn’t really work!







(the boy tries to do a cartwheel… aww)tumblr_lno3upsz4A1qiikbto1_500







What I am wearing 

Zara green floral shirt

Zara Leather jacket

Zara green jeans

Black Converse













I have a really great motivational video that will be out this week…. check it out this week on youtube! Don’t forget to love us on facebook, tumblr and instagram! 



London Fashion Week Streetstyle Video

OOOOOO finally it is here… check out the hottest trendsetters from London Fashion Week!

Share love and enjoy!


Don’t forget to love us on facebook, tumblr and youtube!

LFW 2013 .. Street Style

What a day….my feet hurt and I didn’t even wear heels! I am blinded by the amount of neon outbursts that I saw at Somerset House, clashing prints, red creepers, bleached dip dye hair and bright bold colours. Today was an amazing day, I get a buzz every season seeing the fashion trend setters of the world situated on a cobbled pathway, drinking and posing as they rush to their shows.

This is fashion, not just what we see on the catwalks but what people are really wearing, how they style their interpretations of the trends. Seeing the ‘fashion’ community or fashion ‘elite’ congregate, you get the ‘posers’, the ‘wanabees’, the ‘don’t talk to me … I am fashion’ types, the models, the photographers, the celebrities and a bunch of happy bloggers. I fall into the ‘bloggers’ category, I crave out going street stylers with a sense of humour and I got my weekly fashion dose today, if you are new to the fashion world you are in for a treat.

Fashion has no limits during LFW, if you have time to pop down over the next few days …. just GO and bring a camera!

I love this double printed monochrome jacket and trousers with this oversized bag! The turquoise t-shirt is a flash of colour to brighten up and break up the full print! DSC02843

Denim Queen, this young lady has taken double denim to new heights! Wearing a dress as a skirt and wrapping denim as a head piece she stands out from the crowd! I think she looks great and love her bright red bag. DSC02866Animal print is back… well did it ever go away? This Zebra print jacket from Zara worn with more double denim and Chanel shoes! You would defiantly catch me wearing this in the future!


Funnily enough I have this leopard print denim shirt, its from Primarni or Primark to the rest of the nation! This crazy coloured rainbow lady turned heads, I think her hair and makeup is sensational! DSC02848

Neon and leather…. the only man that can style out white shoes!


This lady is so elegant and timeless with her whole look. Her hair, jacket, red lips and clutch just scream sophistication and fashionista! DSC02904

The embellished jacket, coral lipstick and blonde hair! I love this look, minus the leggings! DSC02893

After today I think I will invest in a pair of leather gloves and wear them with cute dresses to give them a retro look…..DSC02914


Love the clashing prints with the skinny checked print trousers and studded clutch! F.A.B.DSC02906


I can’t wait to invest in a new varsity jacket this season, this effortless chick look will work wonders for a day look!

I met the lovely youtube blogger Lilly! Love her hair and orange topshop jacket! DSC02917

Classic endless style with this all black outfit… check out her teeny waist! DSC02916

How cute does Laura Whitmore look in her mac and stripey top and skirt, very Pari!DSC02901


This cute hat with the ears, I want one!!

Crazy clashing prints, her pink hat and crazy digital print legging with her Chanel zipper jacket! Unique choice.. DSC02905



Sometimes we just never grow up, the rainbow hair with my little pony! So cute and so fashion!DSC02882

The lovely Baujken Ladies! DSC02910

Sometime the cape still has that headmistress effect, love the blue specs! Very interesting, I couldn’t stop staring!



This girl was super F.A.B and her much was such a trend setter, her neon pink jacket and big hair set her apart from the crowd! DSC02880



Accessories… accessories… and more accessories, leather studded clutches, satchels, clear plastic bags and hats, beanies and more neon! DSC02876




I love this double Virgos lounge special with the heavily embellished jacket and yellow clutch! I ama big fan of virgos lounge and this lady looked F.A.B!


I luckily me the Miss Guided team! They were so lovely and looked great…. I NEEEEEDDDD these glasses and they will be on their site in the next few weeks!



Really hope you love the post, don’t forget to check us out on facebook, tumblr and youtube!

Stay F.A.B and watch out you might be street styled soon!
