Girl Gossip…

Where do I even begin…a majority of conversations with my girlies revolve around men/boys (a majority of them have not grown up yet) … fashion… love… and our future plans! 60% of the conversation will relovle around who is dating who? .. Did he really say that on a date? Why is he still talking to his Ex GF? What good is this man actually bringing to your life?

The conversation will go something like this … ‘No he did not do that? Why are men so stupid… he needs to lock it down…. onto the next one!’ …. ‘If he playing games now he will always be playing games, you want a man not a boy!’….’Have you seen his new girlfriend **stalk social media** …. you are way better than her… he downgraded!’

This is what friends do…. well this is what me and my friends talk about… boys boys and more boys! We all have that dream wether we admit to it or not of one day getting married to our prince charming and falling head over heels in love … living happily ever after… pop out some kids… enjoy life … the end!

Realistically all disney films have set us up for failure and we now have unrealistic views on ‘love’! Your prince charming will come when you least expect it, he most probably won’t look how you expected him too and he will treat you like the princess that you are! Before that you need to filter out the Rif-raf and focus on you!




Soaking up the summer weather at the weekend London is one of the most beautiful places when its warm! We can enjoy the rooftop bars and I actually get to wear my summer wardrobe outside my house! I would recommend popping to Radio bar at the top of the ME hotel when you can. It’s pretty lush with phenomenal views…. I can’t wait to attend during fashion week…. will be totes amazing (clueless accent)! DSC06256


My beautiful friend Rosie is wearing her structured Zara white shorts with her Urban Outfitter shoes and tee! Keeping it simple, elegant and effective! Very monochrome chic!… We didn’t plan out outfits by the way… we just ended up in very similar colours! DSC06259



Rosie has the most beautiful hair I have ever seen….. like seriously I have been telling her this for years and it’s like it’s been woven with silk! Naturally having dead straight hair she used a curling tong to get beach waves! DSC06270


My sandals which I am currently obsessed with at the moment are from Zara and are on SALE! So grab them while you can ladies….. only £20… BARGAIN! My embellished structured shorts are from Primark last year….. It’s the second time I have worn them out and I think they went down quite well with this little number! The top is from Zara and yes again very monochrome!




If I am not working during the day… I will be filming or editing a post so it’s nice to just catch up with friends and enjoy the sunshine! I hope you are all enjoying the weather and wearing suncream! DSC06296

Keep your eyes peeled for my new haul and fashion video for AQ AQ!

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Spring in my Step

Finally we have some nice weather in London and I had a quick rummage through my summer wardrobe and found my favourite maxi dress from last year! It’s bright, vibrant and makes me happy… colours have an affect on my mood so when the sun is shining I will be wearing the brightest colours possible… if not you will find me in black!

My dress is from H&M (last year) and my jewellery is from ASOS (currently online)… I am feeling a bit weird today but I believe that when life gives you lemons… make the best damn lemonade you can! Remember that everything happens for a reason and we are always learning, my mum tells me to this day that she still has life lessons to learn! Smile… live your life and focus on you!


















Have an amazing day and don’t forget to love yourself first…. you will never be able to love someone properly if you don’t value and love yourself first! A relationship is suppose to compliment you not complete you.

Love us on facebook, tumblr, instagram, youtube and twitter!


Warehouse SS13

You are in for a treat…………….. I went to Warehouse’s SS13 Press day to see their new collection and left wanting everything! We haven’t even finished christmas and I’m already planning what I will be wearing next summer. Delicate fabrics, pretty embellishments, summer sparkles, tassels, playsuits, whites, creams, shimmers…. I literally fell in love with the whole collection. The accessories were fantastic, the jewellery was chunky, big and bold with a dash of sparkle and the summer sandals were so cute!


What do you think? What will you be getting?


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