Girl Gossip…

Where do I even begin…a majority of conversations with my girlies revolve around men/boys (a majority of them have not grown up yet) … fashion… love… and our future plans! 60% of the conversation will relovle around who is dating who? .. Did he really say that on a date? Why is he still talking to his Ex GF? What good is this man actually bringing to your life?

The conversation will go something like this … ‘No he did not do that? Why are men so stupid… he needs to lock it down…. onto the next one!’ …. ‘If he playing games now he will always be playing games, you want a man not a boy!’….’Have you seen his new girlfriend **stalk social media** …. you are way better than her… he downgraded!’

This is what friends do…. well this is what me and my friends talk about… boys boys and more boys! We all have that dream wether we admit to it or not of one day getting married to our prince charming and falling head over heels in love … living happily ever after… pop out some kids… enjoy life … the end!

Realistically all disney films have set us up for failure and we now have unrealistic views on ‘love’! Your prince charming will come when you least expect it, he most probably won’t look how you expected him too and he will treat you like the princess that you are! Before that you need to filter out the Rif-raf and focus on you!




Soaking up the summer weather at the weekend London is one of the most beautiful places when its warm! We can enjoy the rooftop bars and I actually get to wear my summer wardrobe outside my house! I would recommend popping to Radio bar at the top of the ME hotel when you can. It’s pretty lush with phenomenal views…. I can’t wait to attend during fashion week…. will be totes amazing (clueless accent)! DSC06256


My beautiful friend Rosie is wearing her structured Zara white shorts with her Urban Outfitter shoes and tee! Keeping it simple, elegant and effective! Very monochrome chic!… We didn’t plan out outfits by the way… we just ended up in very similar colours! DSC06259



Rosie has the most beautiful hair I have ever seen….. like seriously I have been telling her this for years and it’s like it’s been woven with silk! Naturally having dead straight hair she used a curling tong to get beach waves! DSC06270


My sandals which I am currently obsessed with at the moment are from Zara and are on SALE! So grab them while you can ladies….. only £20… BARGAIN! My embellished structured shorts are from Primark last year….. It’s the second time I have worn them out and I think they went down quite well with this little number! The top is from Zara and yes again very monochrome!




If I am not working during the day… I will be filming or editing a post so it’s nice to just catch up with friends and enjoy the sunshine! I hope you are all enjoying the weather and wearing suncream! DSC06296

Keep your eyes peeled for my new haul and fashion video for AQ AQ!

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It’s 28’c …. in London…

The sun has been shining all week and I have managed to get a tan…a very small tan to say the least…. however this NEVER happens in London so hopefully by writing this super happy post it won’t jinx it and start raining again!

The past weekend I managed to have a picnic, go boating in hyde park, attempt to  skate board, record my first vlog and buy a wedding outfit for my brothers asian wedding! A fun packed weekend with the sun shining has made me reconsider living in London. I want the sun to shine everyday, I want to feel the heat and have you noticed how  everyone is so much happier! I think maybe Dubai? NYC… I need a beach so maybe LA… maybe somewhere in Europe… I am not actually sure yet but I know that I am young… it’s my life.. my story and it’s time to explore!

Sometimes I feel we are so bound by societies structure to do this and that…. it’s your life… explore… travel… educated yourself by the cultures of the world! Embraces each others differences and learn! We should be learning something new everyday, stop sticking to what you know and find out something knew! This whole planet is for us to explore but we are so comfortable in our cocoon …..

The new vlog will be out at the end of the week and you can see how LJ (Lauren… one of my best friends) spend our time together!


My new Zara outfit and Zara shoes, currently in store and on sale! YAY! DSC06110

Boating in Hyde park DSC06182


Lj attempting to skate board…. she did a pretty good job! Go JAM JAMDSC06065DSC06179



At the end of the evening we were exhausted and got the last train home… time flies when you are having fun… after this we decided to grab a midnight snack at Tinsel Town….. I got home at 3am after having a super delicious burger and milk shake! NOM NOM NOM

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Spread the Love

… A few street style pics of some fab people in the park….


How fab does this young lady look?


… I salute a man that has his own style and is bold enough to wear this!

Fashion Diary #1

So I have decided to start a fashion diary…. when I get 5 minutes I will try and upload whatever I have thrown on that morning…. hopefully you will like…


I have re-dyed my hair…. the green-blonde combo started to look odd, I needed a new look so I tried the L’oreal casting colours.

What I am wearing

Shirt-Floral Shirt £12 Primark

Black Blazer-Zara 

Snake print skirt- Zara

Boots- Topshop

Leopard Print bag- Warehouse

Jewellery- Forever 21 & Disney

Nail Polish- Barry M – Gellies


Winter Boots AW12

It’s that time of year again when you start going through your winter wardrobe to pull out your coats…. wrap up in fur and find those winter boots!

I have a slight obsession with shoes and prefer what the high-street has to offer during the Winter. I can’t get enough of Zara and still keep walking past those brogues in Russell & Bromley! (Still on the Wish List)

I love the limited collection by Marks & Spencer, I always have to pop into Primark and you can’t forget to have a quick browse on ASOS! Remember it’s not what you wear, its how you wear it!

Alexandra Wang SS13

If you have more clothes than sense you will appreciate this blog post… if you don’t then we need to sort that out!

Lets have a peek at what the high street has to offer and hopefully this will inspire you to buy some winter boots!

YSL-Tribtoo Leather Knee High Boots -£1395

Burberry Leather Riding boots- £550

Alexandra Wang Leather Boots- £1075

Burberry Boots £255

McQueen Patent leather Boots- £460

ASOS White boots- £125

ASOS Amazon Boots -£85 (bargain)

ASOS Alliance Leather Ankle Boots- £85

Zara Boots – £99.99

Zara Studded Ankle Boots- £129

Zara Flat Croc Boots- £129

Zara Spat boot- (My Favourite)

Whats your favourite? … I want them all!! Eeeek


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