Feel Good Time

I am currently sitting in my room on a Sunday night relaxing and reflecting on the past week. I am attempting to sing along to Whitney Houston’s ‘I’m every woman’ (really really badly) but the music is so loud I have convinced myself that I sound like her double! Over the past week I have made a few changes that my future self will thank me for, I have been unhappy in my current job because of a few factors so decided to take the plunge and hand in my notice and kick my butt into getting a new job! At the end of the day we have to be happy and I say if it’s not making me happy, making me money or expanding my knowledge then let it go! Remember that life is not a rehearsal and sometimes we have to face our fears and just do it anyway and shake a few things up to get us kick started in our future arrangements.

Gym Updates– As you know I have been gyming it alot and need to invest in a new pair of trainers, make sure that you are comfortable and looking after your body. I bought my trainers a year ago and they were not specifically anything special but now that I am actually training I need something super comfy. Think I am going to invest in a new pair of nike trainers, I tried some on today and it felt like my foot was on a pillow……. I have had a lot of questions on what I eat, what workouts I do at the gym and this will all be shared over the next few weeks. I would firstly look at what you are consuming… this video will be up during the week my lovelies! Don’t forget to subscribe to my  youtube channel! 


Today my brother came back from his honeymoon and I missed him so much which is very surprising lol (oh my goodness did I just lol at my own comment… someone slap me!)




Today I wore my casual Sunday outfit, comfy jeans, comfy heels and oversized white tee and my new pyjama styled suit from Zara. My jeans are high waisted from American Apparel and they are the same style as the disco pants but not as tight fitted.







I have a new MAC obsession, its Lady Danger and looks fierce with any outfit! DSC07845


With the ladies today we were discussing everything from life to love and the usual boy conversation. I realised that life is what you make it, never ever ever compare yourself to anyone. God has a plan for you and inshallah everything will come to you when you are ready! I started this blog off to show you what I wear because I have a love for fashion but I feel so comfortable sharing my life and views on the world with you! Sometimes we need to remind ourselves what we want, we need to make decision in life that benefit us! Keep going and chin up beauties and kick sadness in the face, feel good everyday and do you!


The reason I always bang on about focusing on myself is because I was previously in a bad relationship and lost myself, I hope that you all are in a good place and if not know when it’s a good time to let go! Be free like a butterfly and happy!

Don’t forget to check out facebooktumblryoutubeInstagram and twitter! 

Green Day NYC – OOTD

My love affair with New York is nearly over and I am now contemplating wether to move there…. I never thought I would ever feel the urge to relocate but I am seriously considering moving there for 6-12 months because I can’t get enough of the city and vibe.

The concrete jungle is full of wild and interesting people with this buzzing nature and cute shops and there is defiantly something for everyone. If you love food as much as I do you will defiantly have an amazing time…. the selection is ridiculous and I feel like I have gained 50 pounds! Besides the buzzing hustle and bustle of the town the nightlife is on fire, I have ventured between 3-4 clubs per night including quite a few cool roof top bars. If you haven’t been you need to go and go with a New Yorker….. Time Square is over populated and if you are from Londoner it’s just like Piccadilly Circus… you need to go to the meatpacking district which is full of cool restaurants and and full of clubs and bars. We popped into Bagatelle the other day randomly for a day party…. I was wearing the below outfit and then we popped into a roof top bar for shisha and drinks. The vibe of NYC is chilled and literally is the city that never sleeps.

In soho we found this amazing piece of jewellery…. how beautiful is this? This whole outfit is green… I think its great to wear a variety of shades of the same colour….. you can always dress blocked coloured up and down. As we were shopping I thought converse were the best bet.

 What I am wearing 

Zara leather Jacket (studded myself)

Zara Green Blazer

Topshop Skinny Green Jeans

Zara Checked Shirt

Black Converse

Bag Warehouse

Sunglasses Warehouse


We met a crazy man who made this bike himself…. we thought he was joking and then he cycled off on this! This is what I love about NYC it doesn’t matter about class, race, how much money you have or what you do… everyone is pretty friendly and happy! 

My amazing view from my cousins apartment…. what a ridiculous trip…. I will be back soon… and won’t be leaving! I thought mixing up my out fit of the day would be more interesting if I included some pictures of what I actually did! …… love or hate this outfit?….



Have an amazing day and don’t forget to love us on facebook, tumblr and youtube! 

Vlogs and new blogs will be uploaded next week!


Fashion Diary #1

So I have decided to start a fashion diary…. when I get 5 minutes I will try and upload whatever I have thrown on that morning…. hopefully you will like…


I have re-dyed my hair…. the green-blonde combo started to look odd, I needed a new look so I tried the L’oreal casting colours.

What I am wearing

Shirt-Floral Shirt £12 Primark

Black Blazer-Zara 

Snake print skirt- Zara

Boots- Topshop

Leopard Print bag- Warehouse

Jewellery- Forever 21 & Disney

Nail Polish- Barry M – Gellies
