Spring in my Step

Finally we have some nice weather in London and I had a quick rummage through my summer wardrobe and found my favourite maxi dress from last year! It’s bright, vibrant and makes me happy… colours have an affect on my mood so when the sun is shining I will be wearing the brightest colours possible… if not you will find me in black!

My dress is from H&M (last year) and my jewellery is from ASOS (currently online)… I am feeling a bit weird today but I believe that when life gives you lemons… make the best damn lemonade you can! Remember that everything happens for a reason and we are always learning, my mum tells me to this day that she still has life lessons to learn! Smile… live your life and focus on you!


















Have an amazing day and don’t forget to love yourself first…. you will never be able to love someone properly if you don’t value and love yourself first! A relationship is suppose to compliment you not complete you.

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8 thoughts on “Spring in my Step

  1. Hi, I absolutely love your blog and your YouTube channel, you’re doing a great job… keep it up!! 🙂
    I was wondering how you did your hair in these pictures? It looks really nice!! x x

      • Ahh that’d be great! Thank you. 🙂 Also, can you do a quick tutorial on the ‘messy’ bun too?!.. it just looks so effortlessly nice and I never seem to be able to do it right! x

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