L.A. Monochrome

What a beautiful view… there is so much to do and see in L.A I don’t know where to start. This week I have been shown around Beverly Hills, West Hollywood and a few other areas….. over the next week I need to become super organised Skeena and plan the next week! I want to show a few of my outfits off… so we came to the top of the Hollywood Hills to get the best shots! DSC08450


Remember it’s not what you wear it’s how you wear it….. my style changes due to my mood and I don’t like to follow trends but rather introduce them into my style! My wardrobe is my canvas and I will be painting it however I like…. don’t be a sheep and always add your own twist to the current styles and trends on the highstreet! I went for a laid back all black leather look.



My necklace is from Innaya Couture… check them out on instagram they have some amazing pieces and their jewellery is so intricate and beautiful…. one of my favourite brands! DSC08490



My tee is from Forever 21 and my little pleated skirt is from Primark! My cute sunglasses are from Warehouse… they do great accessories and clothes!



I am loving my time in L.A at the moment …. I feel very relaxed which is rare… normally my brain is calculating what I need to do over the next week because I am so busy! Trying to live the relaxed LA lifestyle is pretty interesting…. I will be uploading new bits over the next few days and keep your eyes peeled!

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Mini Skeena Sale

As previously mentioned on my instagram I am having a mini Skeena Sale….. I am just uploading accessories and all other items will be up next week! I never thought I would be having a Skeena sale but the goodies are super cute and from Topshop, Warehouse… a few bags and a few shoes! Follow me on instagram for updates! Don’t forget to check out all the different items here!


Check out some of the items here….


Cute wedges from ASOS…


Cute gold glitter pumps

$(KGrHqZ,!qwFIyW1(ybeBSRY!l7Im!~~60_57This super cute brand new warehouse bag!

Miss-America-Christian-Louboutin-shoesThe super cute Miss America louboutins…

Individual listings of goodies guys

Black ASOS Studded Wedges

Black ASOS Wedges

Leather Bowling Warehouse Bag

Skull Clutch Bag

Topshop Black Heels 

Miss America Louboutins

Warehouse Flat Top Tote

Gold Glitter Pumps

Leopard Print Pumps

ASOS Studded Black Heels 

Stay tuned for the second part of the Skeena Sales… lots of clothes guys!

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Monochrome Lookbook AW13

So it’s getting slightly colder and I am already layering in different pieces and textures for this up and coming season. I love the monochrome trend and if you already filter through your wardrobe you will realise you have a lot of black and white. Start introducing leather, faux fur or real fur, different prints and plain block pieces. Rock this trend with your hair up and a bright lip for a strong empowering ambience, I think a bold lip or a bold colourful accessory will make this a statement look for this season.

It’s so easy to wear, the lookbook I have created is pretty casual, to rock this look during the night add plain black heels, jewellery and wear plain block colours. I am totally in love with any sort of bomber jacket this season, don’t forget to mix up the textures and look fierce. Don’t forget to subscribe! 


Monochrome trend LFW AW13


Alexander Wang for Balenciaga Autumn Winter 2013 DECOR





(Images from Google)



Outfit Information 

Outfit 1– Moschino oversized vintage jacket/Forever 21- black oversized tee/Zara- leather panelled leggings/Topshop-block heeled shoes/ AQAQ- Gold Statement Ring.

Outfit 2– Zara- Pyjama Silk Suit Jacket/AQAQ- White basic Tee/Primark- Statement necklace/Forever21- Aztec Printed Mini Skirt

Outfit 3– Forever 21- Striped Monochrome Oversized Dress- Rock this with a skinny belt or gold accessories!

Outfit 4– H&M Silk black top/ Zara- Structured Shorts/ Topshop Heels

Outfit 5- H&M Silk Black Top/Warehouse- White leather studded skirt!

Outfit 6– Forever 21- Forever Printed Jumper/ H&M- Leather fitted dipped hem mini skirt

Outfit 7- Topshop- Cat Ears/ H&M Sheer Detail White Evening Top/ H&M- Leather Fitted Dipped Hem Mini Skirt

 Outfit 8– Forever 21- Bodycon Fitted Lycra Dress/ Peplum Skirt- Own

Outfit 9– Forever 21- Bodycon Fitted Lycra Dress/ H&M oversized black laced flower jumper

Outfit 10– Forever 21- White Leather Studded Waistcoat/ Forever 21- Gansta Jumper/ Zara- Leather Panelled Leggings

Outfit 11– Zara- Bomber Floral Bomber jacket/ Forever 21- Cropped Top/ Zara- High-waisted Silk Trousers/ Bershka- Head band

Outfit 12– Forever 21- Geek Sunglasses/ AQAQ- White basic Tee/Zara- High Waisted Silk Trousers/ Primark- Red Heels

Outfit 13– Forever 21- Leather Jacket/ Forever 21- Bat T-shirt/ AQAQ- High Waisted Trousers/ Primark- Red Heels



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Winter Wish List

As I am getting older my taste in fashion has become slightly more refined. I still love my impulse buys with the fast fashion trends but over the Autumn Winter Season I prefer to invest in quality fashion that is timeless with structured cuts but also looks super FAB!

I stumbled into Reiss the other days and in my head I already spent my next pay cheque. I need that orange winter coat… ooooh maybe two…. one casual and one more formal…. I need a few shirts to wear with my leather skirt and tights and also need a few new accessories… the list goes on! I have bought a few things over the years from Reiss and the quality is still pretty much brand new and every time I pull one of my last season dresses out people always ask me where it’s from. I love to mix old season and new season, keep it fresh yet bring in my own style! Check out some of the key pieces I want to invest in this season…. let me know which ones you will be buying and help me choose mine! I would recommend buying a statement colour coat, colourful knits to layer with, invest in a evening dress for the up and coming parties….. So many options… so little time!


This Seasons Coat

It’s coming up to winter… the skies will be grey (the reality of living in London)…. but brighten up your day to day with this statement coat! I love colour especially in winter… I prefer winter clothes over summer as you can spot the true fashionistas a mile away.


This coat is a straight cut statement piece and an investment piece for season after season for £295.

The Day to Night Dress

This season we all need that dress that we can wear at work or during the day and add a few accessories and be ready for the evening. This easy neo black lace dress with it’s navy panels and body con fit will look casual during the day with a pair of tights, add an oversized jumper or a casual jacket with cute ankle boots. For the evening wear sheer tights or no tights, add heels, red lips and a leather jacket and a statement necklace and your ready for the night! You can’t beat a day to night dress this season… you never know who might ask you out for dinner! Hehe…


A Dash of Sparkle 

Sparkle…. there can never be enough, this piece I am totally in love with! I would buy this jumper one or two sizes bigger to get that oversized look and wear it with either skinny jeans or thick black tights and cute ankle boots. Rock this with a leather jacket or a fitted suit jacket. I really need this and it midi sleeves, for the evening time I would rock this again super oversized with cute heels and smokey eyes and nude lips!

The sparkle is the main focus, so muted neutral lips and a smokey eye would give it a rocker look but still easy to wear. For the day rock with jeans and cute shoes or even converse… it depends how comfortable you are rocking sparkle! I always love wearing something pretty it makes me feel better…. trust me retail therapy is the new therapy ladies! Don’t you love this?


Jacket Madness

I think I own about 50 jackets… I can’t stop buying them. I have two black leather jackets but one is studded and the other one is pretty plain. Leather can be worn throughout the season, rock it with jeans, during the night… whenever they always look good.  This leather jacket reminds me of a bomber jacket… which is totally on trend this season. I really really want this, its slightly pricey but it’s an investment piece. Remember when buying goods you want them to last over the next few seasons. Quality over quantity guys.


The Statement Shirt 

You need that shirt that is easy to wear but my goodness does it make a statement. I literally saw this in store and was thinking… I could rock this with my leather skirt… with skinnies! Try it with my hair up and red lips with jeans or during the evening with a structure pair of shorts and smokey eyes. I always have to image myself in the outfit before I buy it… where would I wear this? How would I rock this? I love this…. maybe one of my favourite pieces from their collection this season. It’s so pretty …….


Accessories Yourself Girl

This season croc embossed leather is the bomb-diggity! Everything is croc croc and more croc, this cute little side bag in nude can be worn during the evening and rocked in the summer as well! Make good investments ladies and you will look a million dollars!


I think I know what I will be buying next week… hopefully all of these goodies over the next few weeks and a new red lipstick. Whats on your WISHLIST ladies?

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Mark Fast SS14 London Fashion Week


I was very excited to attend the SS14 collection of Mark Fast….. dramatic fringes….bright bold neon yellows with a mix of textures, fabrics and a power parade of body con! The energy in the room was fierce and the models looked like a mix between a gothic grunge chick meets powerful chic! DSC08284



The collection was daring, elegant and risky…. elegantly cut to fit the body but the fringes were by far my favourite! the army of models bolted out one after the other and the flashes were going wild! DSC08197

I would mix the crop tops with a suit jacket and a flowy skirt for summer to keep it soft but still have that edgy look! DSC08239


The power parade of ladies made me wish London was warm all year round! Keep your eyes peeled for when the collection drops next season! DSC08296



As it was raining in London I whipped my hair up in fierce top knot, brought out my metallic skirt and rocked my fluffy pink jumper with my new printed jacket!


I met the cutest dog at Somerset house…… I really really really want a puppy…. just have to convince the boy! (Please … flutters eyelashes at 100 miles an hour …. end up looking like I have something caught in my eye!)IMG_0779

I can’t wait to give you an overview of my favourite bits of London Fashion Week! This year I have been occupied by work and the weather has been terrible…. next year watch this space so we can see the coolest street stylistas!

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My Own Superhero

Some people like to fade into the background and just ‘fit in’, I never wanted to go unnoticed or be a follower. I was the bossy little sister and my dad always told me he never had to worry about me because I always spoke my mind. I have this fire inside my body, the sort of fire that isn’t harmful but reminds you why you shouldn’t give up… I like to bottle up some of my emotions and remember that feeling of why I want to succeed so badly…..some people call it ambition but it’s this feeling inside my body that I want to succeed to show to myself that I can do anything I put my mind too. Determination and ambition are so important, I would say I am very competitive with myself (that sounds really silly but it’s true)!



The boy and I were discussing how I never stop…. and how I always have something going on…. I am so use to trying to juggle a billion tasks at once and sometimes I forget to breathe. I put all this pressure on myself, I don’t have pushy parents they would be happy with anything I do as they are very open minded and loving. I like to try everything and I hate the words I can’t or I won’t…. negativity is something that rocks my karma!

My best friends are my besties for many reasons…. we all have our hormonal mood swings but when it comes down to it we support each other! I am a lucky lady to have two ladies who have my back no matter what… thank you Mari and Jam… you both have managed to show me the brighter side of life when I can’t see the light!


The whole point of this emotional splurge is that we are only human, we are not perfect and not everything goes to plan! We live and we learn and it’s getting back up from these mistakes that can either make or break us! When we fall down, brush it off get up and keep going. I am in the ‘transition period’ of my life where I am exploring what I want from my life. So many of us are just existing and not living… I have asked this before but are you existing or living? Why don’t you explore that amazing brain of yours figure out all the things you want to do…. educate yourself and remember that knowledge if power! DSC07919

Be the best version of yourself, excel in your own little way remember this is your story and your painting the picture not someone else! Sometimes we are not in the fortunate position of being in control in our lives, I am lucky that my mum lets me explore and make my own mistakes but is always there to pick up the pieces. I believe that relationships with parents and people really do have an affect on our outlook on life but remember that your past doesn’t define you it should help you shape your future no matter how hard the past was. DSC07929


There was a time in my life where I could say why me? Why did this have to happen to me but I managed to change my perspective on life and realise that sometimes shizzle happens, it’s what we do when that happens that makes us into the people we are. Be your own super hero, be proud and don’t put yourself down! There is a whole world out there with millions of people all writing their own story, don’t get left behind and take control. Sometimes we are so comfortable we forget our dreams, don’t forget your dreams because there is so much more to life. If you feel like you are coming to the end of one chapter start a new one, you won’t learn anything new my re-reading the same chapter! DSC07933This was initially a fashion post…. as I love my new little outfit but you know what I am like… I get distracted and started talking about feelings….. but yes back to fashion because that is the aim of the game! The booties are from Topshop they were £65 and are now £30 in the sale! BARGAIN… The necklace is from blakegodbold, I got it from ASOS a few year backs! The silk pyjama jacket is from Zara and is most probs on sale too…… the skirt is pleather and from Primark! Oh how I love a bargain… it’s getting a little chilly in London.. someone fly me to a beach!


Remember to remain fierce at all time… if you can’t scream, cry, shout and let out all the emotions until your zen has calmed! Don’t let anyone mess with your zen and have an amazing day guys… if you are not feeling yourself firstly go do whatever makes you feel calm and then meditate.. think about nothing for a few minutes and concentrate on breathing!

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Feel Good Time

I am currently sitting in my room on a Sunday night relaxing and reflecting on the past week. I am attempting to sing along to Whitney Houston’s ‘I’m every woman’ (really really badly) but the music is so loud I have convinced myself that I sound like her double! Over the past week I have made a few changes that my future self will thank me for, I have been unhappy in my current job because of a few factors so decided to take the plunge and hand in my notice and kick my butt into getting a new job! At the end of the day we have to be happy and I say if it’s not making me happy, making me money or expanding my knowledge then let it go! Remember that life is not a rehearsal and sometimes we have to face our fears and just do it anyway and shake a few things up to get us kick started in our future arrangements.

Gym Updates– As you know I have been gyming it alot and need to invest in a new pair of trainers, make sure that you are comfortable and looking after your body. I bought my trainers a year ago and they were not specifically anything special but now that I am actually training I need something super comfy. Think I am going to invest in a new pair of nike trainers, I tried some on today and it felt like my foot was on a pillow……. I have had a lot of questions on what I eat, what workouts I do at the gym and this will all be shared over the next few weeks. I would firstly look at what you are consuming… this video will be up during the week my lovelies! Don’t forget to subscribe to my  youtube channel! 


Today my brother came back from his honeymoon and I missed him so much which is very surprising lol (oh my goodness did I just lol at my own comment… someone slap me!)




Today I wore my casual Sunday outfit, comfy jeans, comfy heels and oversized white tee and my new pyjama styled suit from Zara. My jeans are high waisted from American Apparel and they are the same style as the disco pants but not as tight fitted.







I have a new MAC obsession, its Lady Danger and looks fierce with any outfit! DSC07845


With the ladies today we were discussing everything from life to love and the usual boy conversation. I realised that life is what you make it, never ever ever compare yourself to anyone. God has a plan for you and inshallah everything will come to you when you are ready! I started this blog off to show you what I wear because I have a love for fashion but I feel so comfortable sharing my life and views on the world with you! Sometimes we need to remind ourselves what we want, we need to make decision in life that benefit us! Keep going and chin up beauties and kick sadness in the face, feel good everyday and do you!


The reason I always bang on about focusing on myself is because I was previously in a bad relationship and lost myself, I hope that you all are in a good place and if not know when it’s a good time to let go! Be free like a butterfly and happy!

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The Wedding … YAY

Finally my brother had his Islamic wedding over the weekend and it was beautiful. I have been to many different weddings but this was the most important wedding to me! I love my brother so much and I never give him enough credit, but I was so happy to see him on this special day. You know sometimes in life we get so caught up in the materialistic stuff and we realise that all we need is love. On this day we celebrated two people falling in love and focusing on a future together. Marriage is such a beautiful thing, one day I want to get married to someone amazing that treats me well, respects me, is my friend, partner, everything and I want to celebrate life. We stress as a society so much about what we need to achieve at this age and that age but go with the flow, spread positivity and it will serve you well!





My brothers suit is a typical asian outfit and I am such a proud sister, he looked so good and I called him Aladdin the whole day. On days like this it makes me truly appreciate life and being surrounded by the people I love. DSC07486


I am totally in love with my super sparkly designer outfit if I say so myself, I searched for this for ages and when I saw it …. it called out to me and said BUY ME SKEENA…. THIS IS THE OUTFIT! After trying it on I immediately fell in love! DSC07537

The beautiful couple, I am in awe of this picture… so cute! I love you both very much, I have a new sister YAY and my brother has turned into a husband! (damn I feel old)DSC07481






I asked my friend to take the camera to take a few snaps of the whole fam, when I saw this pic it brought a tear to my eye. We missed someone so special on this day but he was there in spirit!





The wedding cake… each tier was a different flavour! Yummy…. I had a slither because I am high on the gym at the moment so trying to get this booty into shape! DSC07812


I can’t explain to you how heavy this outfit was, I had to take a seat on the steps and mummy snapped this shot! DSC07648



Two of my favourites……. I love these ladies… new beginnings… new family members! YAY! DSC07796





How beautiful is the Bride.. and how amazing is her outfit! Mashallah she looked spectacular!



Mummy bear rocking her red outfit…. this woman looks good in anything… this is where I get all my style from. Having a father in the luxury fashion industry and a mother with impeccable taste…. thank you parentals! IMG_9630




IMG_9620I am just so happy at this point in my life, there are so many things that are changing and I am so happy. Everything happens for a reason and a few things are shifting into the right direction. Inshallah (in Gods Will) I hope you all have an amazing day, focus on you and spread love! Don’t let anyone rain on your parade and keep working towards you dream! You go gurllllll!!!

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The Mehndi Party …..

Where do I even begin, I have been so busy the last week I haven’t been able to have hardly any Skeena time! I recently joined a gym because I want to get super fit and adapt my current lifestyle into an even healthier lifestyle! The wedding has all of a sudden arrived and I am excited, nervous, happy and sad all at the same time! I am so excited for the happy couple to be saying their religious vows and being blessed in the eyes of God. I am nervous because I have to keep it together and not cry (and ruin my make up)! My daddy will be missed and its all just happened so quickly! I am so excited to show you all what I am wearing.


(I did this myself)

If you are not from an Asian background a Mehndi party or henna party is a pre wedding party for girls where they celebrate everything with food, music, henna and it’s a bit of a giant party! My sister in law invited all her friends and we had a great time, I did my own henna but for my wedding (inshallah one day ….. he he ) I would like to get it done professionally! So back to the point, for the ladies party we all danced and ate and everyone wore bright colours! I decided to wear yellow and blue and mummy wore green!



Mummy looks great in this colour and her shoes are from New Look, she didn’t have a pair of silver shoes but she needed to buy some…. actually neither do I! I think its’s time to invest! DSC07047




My blue shoes are from Zara, it’s the first time I have worn them and I got them last year! I don’t like the whole matchy matchy colour thing sometimes but with asian outfits I don’t mind! This is just a casual party outfit, I can’t wait to show you the real wedding outfit! DSC07263

My sister in law looking amazing in yellow! I love the flowers around her wrist it’s beautiful! photo-23

I took quite a few selfies on the way to the party…. (standard as I am currently obsessed with instagram at the moment…) Check me on @iwantyourstyle photo-22

I ended up changing my outfit last minute as it got caught in the car and ripped! UHOH…. so had to do a last minute outfit change and ended up being late! Sorry Zara ha ha ! photo-21Tomorrow the following products will be my secret weapons to a flawless face! My benefit 15 hour primer will keep my face feeling fresh the whole day! The true match l’oreal conceler is my favourite and l’oreal eyeliner is super black! The pressed pigment looks like fairy dust!


Anyway my lovelies… I have been requested to do alot more motivational videos and fashion videos… any preferences? XO XO

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Peace through the world

I am on a journey and I am trying to  ‘find’ myself… whoever is reading this I am being totally honest and laying all my feeling on the line (or on the blog)! Trying to figure out your purpose or passion is one of the most exciting and scariest things in life… why am I here?

What message do I want to spread and what do I want to do with my life??? I know the basics….. I love fashion.. styling… talking and designing… love to paint and photography and I love to travel…. I want to live my life for me, do something I love everyday and enjoy my life! Life is too short to waste time doing something that doesn’t make you happy and surrounding yourself with negative people!

There are a lot of people in my life that are currently in a ‘transition’… this is a period in your life where you are working towards your goals and dream but are still trying to find the right path to get there! The boy is working towards his dream and I want to travel around the world and start working towards my dreams!

This week has been amazing, I have spent time with my family… had an amazing time with Annie and spent time with the boy in the upper east side 🙂 I have been taking so many pictures of the street art in NYC… possibly my new favourite city and who knows I might live here in the next few years?

The boy took me to Williamsburg (my new favourite place) …. it’s on the edge of Brooklyn and reminds me of a mix of Brick Lane’s Fashion/street art meets Canary Wharf with the most spectacular view! It’s one of my favourite places to go, the little restaurants are full of character and there are so many vintage and quirky record stores. Coming from London I know the highstreet pretty well so I want to see NYC culture, do as the real New Yorkers do and see and embrace the different vibes! The boy and I got the biggest slice of pizza in Williamsburg NOM NOM NOM!!


The other day Annie and I couldn’t resist having some pancakes as a treat, this is a cute little place called Cafeteria which is in Chelsea, it’s super yummy however we couldn’t finish it!DSC06666



The whole gang went bowling….. I have to say I was pretty impressed because I beat everyone (the boys esp Steve didn’t appreciate this)! Before we went bowling we went to the golf range on Chelsea Piers…. check out my Instagram to have a quick peek! DSC06796


We went out for dinner and we had 15 minutes to get ready so I rocked the hair up and decided to go for the simple yet elegant monochrome look!!

We has frozen yogurt at 16 flavours…. OH MY GAWD…. I had a party in my mouth…. I had birthday cake/cinnabon/mango/chocolate flavour…. with lots of gummy bears…I think when I get back to London I will be hitting the gym pretty hard! tumblr_mr1cwxcvWQ1rztvlzo1_1280

tumblr_mqxk1eavKj1rztvlzo1_1280My preetttyyyyyyyy new Stussy T-shirt… pretty and so cheap at $28! Woop Woop…. love investing in these pretty new things! I am in such a great place in my mind at the moment, I am happy, excited about the future… in love with someone amazing and have a great family! Thank you God….. I hope you find peace in your life through the world and religion!


(My bubz)

Hope you are all having an amazing time and enjoying life.. I will be back soon but just taking time to relax and enjoy life!

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