It’s 28’c …. in London…

The sun has been shining all week and I have managed to get a tan…a very small tan to say the least…. however this NEVER happens in London so hopefully by writing this super happy post it won’t jinx it and start raining again!

The past weekend I managed to have a picnic, go boating in hyde park, attempt to  skate board, record my first vlog and buy a wedding outfit for my brothers asian wedding! A fun packed weekend with the sun shining has made me reconsider living in London. I want the sun to shine everyday, I want to feel the heat and have you noticed how  everyone is so much happier! I think maybe Dubai? NYC… I need a beach so maybe LA… maybe somewhere in Europe… I am not actually sure yet but I know that I am young… it’s my life.. my story and it’s time to explore!

Sometimes I feel we are so bound by societies structure to do this and that…. it’s your life… explore… travel… educated yourself by the cultures of the world! Embraces each others differences and learn! We should be learning something new everyday, stop sticking to what you know and find out something knew! This whole planet is for us to explore but we are so comfortable in our cocoon …..

The new vlog will be out at the end of the week and you can see how LJ (Lauren… one of my best friends) spend our time together!


My new Zara outfit and Zara shoes, currently in store and on sale! YAY! DSC06110

Boating in Hyde park DSC06182


Lj attempting to skate board…. she did a pretty good job! Go JAM JAMDSC06065DSC06179



At the end of the evening we were exhausted and got the last train home… time flies when you are having fun… after this we decided to grab a midnight snack at Tinsel Town….. I got home at 3am after having a super delicious burger and milk shake! NOM NOM NOM

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Spread the Love

… A few street style pics of some fab people in the park….


How fab does this young lady look?


… I salute a man that has his own style and is bold enough to wear this!

First Fashion Haul Video

Is it March already? Yikes…. soon we will be wearing sunglasses and bare legs! I am a self confessed shopping addict with a mission to find London’s best bargains! I can’t control the addiction of leopard print obsession, bright lips and random accessories! I WANT YOUR STYLE was created to appreciate all the weird and wonderful ways people dress around the world!

So after buying all this random stuff I wanted to share it with the world with my first fashion haul on youtube, if you are new to the world of ‘hauls’ its a video created to show others what they have recently bought! … Some of you are most probably thinking… how pointless but if you love to shop then this will be the perfect solution to control your addiction…(only joking)… I love hauls because it’s so interesting to find out what people have recently bought and how they style them!

Check out my first video… hope you love it … I would recommend a cup of tea.. a biscuit or two and a comfy seat!

Have an amazing day… don’t forget to love us on facebook, youtube and tumblr!
