
I am always positive and excited and full of energy and sometimes I need to recharge my batteries and have some ‘downtime’ or ‘me’ time. Watch movies, do mindless things, relax, not think too much.  My brain is constantly on the go and I’m either organising something, popping to the gym or doing something I like to just stop and have some time to reflect.

It’s very healthy to keep that balance in life otherwise we will burn the candles at both ends, get in touch with some YOU time this week or weekend and take some time to forget about all your problems…. paint… draw…. read…..listen to music whatever it is that calms you and soothes your soul. I have a motivational video that I am excited to share with you guys and I hope it makes your day.

So many different things have happened over the past week which I will be happy to share with you guys over the next few days. I will be starting my new job tomorrow…. WISH ME LUCK ….

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My Own Superhero

Some people like to fade into the background and just ‘fit in’, I never wanted to go unnoticed or be a follower. I was the bossy little sister and my dad always told me he never had to worry about me because I always spoke my mind. I have this fire inside my body, the sort of fire that isn’t harmful but reminds you why you shouldn’t give up… I like to bottle up some of my emotions and remember that feeling of why I want to succeed so badly…..some people call it ambition but it’s this feeling inside my body that I want to succeed to show to myself that I can do anything I put my mind too. Determination and ambition are so important, I would say I am very competitive with myself (that sounds really silly but it’s true)!



The boy and I were discussing how I never stop…. and how I always have something going on…. I am so use to trying to juggle a billion tasks at once and sometimes I forget to breathe. I put all this pressure on myself, I don’t have pushy parents they would be happy with anything I do as they are very open minded and loving. I like to try everything and I hate the words I can’t or I won’t…. negativity is something that rocks my karma!

My best friends are my besties for many reasons…. we all have our hormonal mood swings but when it comes down to it we support each other! I am a lucky lady to have two ladies who have my back no matter what… thank you Mari and Jam… you both have managed to show me the brighter side of life when I can’t see the light!


The whole point of this emotional splurge is that we are only human, we are not perfect and not everything goes to plan! We live and we learn and it’s getting back up from these mistakes that can either make or break us! When we fall down, brush it off get up and keep going. I am in the ‘transition period’ of my life where I am exploring what I want from my life. So many of us are just existing and not living… I have asked this before but are you existing or living? Why don’t you explore that amazing brain of yours figure out all the things you want to do…. educate yourself and remember that knowledge if power! DSC07919

Be the best version of yourself, excel in your own little way remember this is your story and your painting the picture not someone else! Sometimes we are not in the fortunate position of being in control in our lives, I am lucky that my mum lets me explore and make my own mistakes but is always there to pick up the pieces. I believe that relationships with parents and people really do have an affect on our outlook on life but remember that your past doesn’t define you it should help you shape your future no matter how hard the past was. DSC07929


There was a time in my life where I could say why me? Why did this have to happen to me but I managed to change my perspective on life and realise that sometimes shizzle happens, it’s what we do when that happens that makes us into the people we are. Be your own super hero, be proud and don’t put yourself down! There is a whole world out there with millions of people all writing their own story, don’t get left behind and take control. Sometimes we are so comfortable we forget our dreams, don’t forget your dreams because there is so much more to life. If you feel like you are coming to the end of one chapter start a new one, you won’t learn anything new my re-reading the same chapter! DSC07933This was initially a fashion post…. as I love my new little outfit but you know what I am like… I get distracted and started talking about feelings….. but yes back to fashion because that is the aim of the game! The booties are from Topshop they were £65 and are now £30 in the sale! BARGAIN… The necklace is from blakegodbold, I got it from ASOS a few year backs! The silk pyjama jacket is from Zara and is most probs on sale too…… the skirt is pleather and from Primark! Oh how I love a bargain… it’s getting a little chilly in London.. someone fly me to a beach!


Remember to remain fierce at all time… if you can’t scream, cry, shout and let out all the emotions until your zen has calmed! Don’t let anyone mess with your zen and have an amazing day guys… if you are not feeling yourself firstly go do whatever makes you feel calm and then meditate.. think about nothing for a few minutes and concentrate on breathing!

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Playing It Safe…. My Week In Pictures

When I was younger I had such a fluffy outlook on life and I remember my nan saying to me that school would be the best time of my life as I get to learn, have no worries about life and just have fun. This has stuck with me for years, now looking back at it school was so fluffy and easy and I thought at this age I would have it all figured out. When my mother was 24 she had already met my father, she was engaged and in the process of planning her wedding. Oh how times have changed, I think as women we don’t just want to get married ( don’t get me wrong.. I can’t wait) but we also want to be more than just a wife… well I do anyway. I think nowadays the concept of life and marriage and the women’s role in society has changed so much. I know that I want to excel and learn so many things before I get married and I want to travel around the world, find out why I am here and absorb as much information as I possibly can.


I stopped playing it safe, I am taking risks and crushing all the structures and platforms I have previously created and stripping it down to me and my blog. I am currently on my fitness journey, this time next year I could be in China, India… I’m not even sure but I have realised that by working in a head office and counting down the hours for my day to finish so I can blog/film and have some Skeena time is not the way I should be living. I want to explore…. it’s a very weird feeling guys and I can’t explain it but I think I am over the saturated work life 9-5 hustle and bustle …….. who am I? What do I want to learn in this world? …..


How safe are you playing it? That’s the question we need to be asking ourselves guys…. live your life… do all the things you want to do and enjoy it ! I want to learn how to cook pasta from an old italian woman who can’t speak a word of english…. go fishing in the caribbean….wake up and cleanse my soul and body with a month of yoga on the beach…….go to every fashion week as a photographer…… ride on an elephant in India…. there are so so so so so many different random things I want to do…. What do you want to do?


This week I uploaded a new hair tutorial with hair extensions, check out the video below!

My Week In Pictures 





(These super cute pumps from Topshop)


My beautiful bracelet from @innayacouture … check them out on instagram! 


More beautiful jewellery from Innaya Couture….IMG_0273


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Keep Smiling

(Currently listening to ‘My Way’ by Frank Sinatra) …….When life gives you 100 reasons to cry give life 1000 reasons to smile, sometimes we get so dragged down by the bad things we forget how lucky we are and how many great things we have going for us. One of the most important and strongest beliefs I have besides religion is being positive, what energy you send out is the energy I believe you will receive back.


Be strong, you are intelligent and never let anyone put you down. At the end of the day we are all humans, forget money and all the materialistic fabrications that we have but judge people by the content of their mind. A smile is contagious, help people and be the best person you can be and treat people how you want to be treated. Telling someone you love them or think about them or even a smile can make their day. Life is about living, only in the past few years I have really been living my life the way I want it to be! We can’t choose our family but we choose our friends, surround yourself with people that bring happiness and lift you up! You want people to support you and be happy for you. I can count my best friends on one hand, I know many many people but the ones I trust and love are very special to me. I am at the age where as I get older I am surprisingly getting wiser! Be a good person and keep going, give yourself a pat on the back… I realise I am so harsh on myself sometimes but then the boy makes me look at things in a different perspective. I am very grateful for what I have and if you are thinking about a certain someone…. tell them how you feel.

Find peace through everything you can, the world, religion, friends, family…. whatever calms your zen keep that close to you. For some reason I feel like this journey I am on is happening very quickly, it’s scary because I don’t feel in control but they say that you only really start to live when you are outside of your comfort zone! I don’t normally say thank you to my followers…. but for anyone reading this…. thank you for taking your time to see the world I am creating! Thank you to all my family for pulling me through everything and thank you bubz for making me so happy! Over the last ten years I have learnt so much… I have lost the most important man in my life and invested in a great sister in law! I have seen my family grow from strength to strength and wouldn’t change them for the world.


I hope this post has made you look at your life in a different perspective….. spread the love!

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How I Stay Positive….

Life is what we make it, I can’t stop smiling! I made this video so I can share my tips of how I stay positive, I am being honest and this didn’t come from a course or a book… this came from experience! I have been through a lot in my life and I have finally found ‘me’! I don’t act a certain way to make others happy, I say it how it is and I love my life! I choose my friends wisely and share my personal issues with people I love and care about as I know they will give me the best advice.

Look at your life and the people in it, are these people bringing the best into your life or causing drama? Before we blame everyone else… look at yourself… what do you want in life… it’s your picture.. your story…. your painting it and writing the story so you get to include who is and who isn’t in it!

Everything happens for a reason and remember there is a lesson in everything! Be wise, smile, enjoy and don’t take it so seriously!

Have an amazing day, don’t forget to keep your eyes peeled for my new youtube video on how I curl my hair…. new vlogs and a new haul! It’s summertime in London (finally)….. have an amazing day and enjoy life ! XOXO

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Let’s just be happy…

IWANTYOURSTYLE is not just about fashion, street styling, beauty and make up but I have made the conscious decision to  invite  you  into my world.


It’s quite an overwhelming experience that I post my thoughts, pictures and discuss my emotions on the internet for anyone to read. I have no idea who is reading this or what their perception is off me, but for some reason it feels right and I love doing it.


I am not just a a shopaholic, I have a purpose in life and I never take myself too seriously! I don’t do things by halves, if you catch me laughing I will be in hysterics and if I am emotional I will be a mess. I could never put a front on or try to act a certain way, I can’t stand the obnxious fashionista’s who refuse to eat and judge me if my designer bag is last season. I own both Primark and Prada bits and will rock them at the same time, to me fashion is not what you wear it’s how you wear it. You could be dressed head to toe in Chanel and have zero personal style, please please please take your own perspective on fashion and wear whatever you think goes. Don’t be a sheep, make the trends and mix it up with your own personal twist!


I looked at my life today and realised for quite some time I haven’t actually been living, over a year I was just following the herd. I went to school, graduated with a good degree, got a job and now I am questioning all those decisions… is this it? Is this really what I want to do? I want to wake up every day creating something new, working towards my goals and making a difference in life and I find that at this moment in time my little blog and youtube gives me those opportunities. Are you happy with what you are do? Are you even living your life? I am at that point in my life where big chances are going to happen…. I am excited and nervous! EEEKKK


Keep your eyes peeled I have a new motivational and hair video up this week… street styling and a new haul will be on it’s way! Have an amazing day, don’t forget to check youtube, tumblr, instagram and facebook!



Say Yes……You only live once

Sometimes I write about fashion…. what I do…. film a bit of street style and rant about make up and then get a bit emotional and ‘in the zone.’ Today is one of those ‘in the zone’ articles….. It’s getting to the middle of February, well it’s nearly the middle of Feb and I think Drake’s YOLO saying ‘you-only-live-once’ is being over used by a certain genre of people….. aka idiots!


The point I am trying to make is every once and a while we need to stop struggling and carrying too much stress on our shoulders and realise how well we are doing. Sometimes we don’t give ourselves enough credit on how well we are actually doing, the new year resolutions were thrown out last month and we just get caught up in this stress bubble. I have just smashed my little bubble taken a few steps back and slapped myself with a happy pill! Let me inspire you… make today an amazing day! We don’t realise how lucky we have it, sometimes I just need to stop caring and RELAX! I personally over stress… I need to do this and that and at this age I should be doing this… now the life is a non plan! See where life takes me,if this time next year I am living and working in Paris…. NYC…. or still sitting in my room… who knows! Smile, laugh…. do something new!


A few steps to a new YOU:

1) Stop caring what others think, I know quite a few people who care way to much about what others think of them! I understand that its relatively important maybe at work etc but in life just do what makes you happy! People pleasers always end up sacrificing their own happiness to make others happy! Put YOU first and smile… at the end of the day you have to live with yourself for the rest of your life so just stop….. listen…. breathe and go do that thing you have been putting off for ages wether that is ‘you’ time…. getting that new bag… baking…. going to the zoo… whatever it is just do it and stop caring what other people think!


2) Smile… I literally can’t stop smiling….. maybe my mum mixed my vitamin pills with happy pills but I am just in such a good place at the moment….and when I mean a good place I am not sitting on a beach… I am just happy with what’s going on….and my happiness is not dependant on a man or another person I am at peace with myself and taking the time to do things that make me happy! It’s my life…. so I will do things that make me smile…. yes that includes eating lots of cake… staring at tumblr (whatshouldwecallme)…..laughing uncontrollably with my besties and convincing my mother that we NEED  a pug!


3) Positive people … place yourself around people that bring out the best in you! We all have acquaintances … but you need people that after a terrible day make you laugh! The friends that believe your crazy ambitions and tell you to reach for the stars… not the friends that laugh at your beliefs …. you should be able to count your true friends on one hand! …


4) Be Fierce… as silly as it may sound … be fierce… be daring…… smile… be outgoing…. talk to that person… laugh….. just DO it … ooze confidence and keep smiling…fake it until you make it ….. I am all for strong vivacious women! I love people with confidence they excite me… but there is a fine line between being confidence and being arrogant!


5) Everything happens for a reason… LEARN LEARN ABSORB and LEARN… don’t be one of those people … ‘oh why me’….and ‘drama follows me’…. it doesn’t! Sometimes we need to just accept that things happen for a reason and that should change our perceptions on things! Sometimes these ‘things’ can change our whole lives… I have been through heartache…. loosing loved ones and all the other jazz but it’s what you do when it all goes bad that makes you the person you are! Pump up some Whitney … at this moment in time I would request ‘I’m every woman’ or maybe even the Rocky theme tune! Just don’t let the bad times get you down, we are all here to learn and to shape ourselves into the best people we can be!


BE YOU…. don’t try and fit in… don’t try and be something your not! We love our friends and family because we can be whoever we want to be and they will accept us! Life is really too short to be shedding tears… and the  people who are worth our tears won’t make us cry!


I hope you have an amazing day and smile!

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Lessons of 2012

Christmas is out the way… the sales have started and the one thing on my mind… is New Years Eve…. This year has been a crazy year for me… literally a roller-coaster of emotions! It’s coming to the end of the year and I am going to be celebrating it with my Twin and family…. I can not be more excited! So before you plan your new years outfit….. have a look back … what have you achieved? What have you learnt? Are you happy? Is there anything that is holding you back?

I literally can’t wait for 2013… I am planning big things for this year…. I want to travel… I want my vibe to go global… I want to see Fashion shows left, right and centre… I want to start a brand and at the end of 2013 I want to look back and say I have achieved a majority of those points!

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Seriously think big to get big guys… set your self a few big goals this year and work hard!It will eventually pay off…. be positive… look at the people around you… look at your attitude towards life! Enjoy it… smile… set your standards high because if you don’t someone else will attempt it for you!


Be in control and try something new… I may sounds like I have had a shot of happiness…. but sometimes we forget what actually makes us happy…. it’s not the latest lipstick (sometimes this has a great affect ) …. it’s not how much we weight … it’s what we feel inside! Believe in yourself ….. believe…. plan…. achieve and kick ass! Sometimes we need a big kick to get us started….. if you regret something this year…don’t dwell on it… learn….. if you have lost a loved one… remember they are always with you!


We are constantly evolving and learning new things… be open minded… be happy… listen….learn…. live… and most importantly laugh! Don’t take it all too seriously, we have no idea what is around the corner! Live each day like it is your last and be happy….. money will not make you happy.. it can buy you nice things and take you to amazing places but deep down you need to be happy without the materialistic rubbish!


10 lessons from 2012

1) Focus on you…. as selfish as it may sound focus on you! At the end of the day who is going to love you more than you… honestly… you need to be a complete happy person before you start involving other in your life (romantically anyway)…. Sometimes you get so caught up in being a couple you forget who you really are! Make sure you never loose touch of what you want in life and put yourself first! Be happy and smile ladies! ….


2) Go with your instinct….. many many times this year I went against that gut feeling because some fool told me I was paranoid…. in the end I was right… never ever doubt yourself or let someone else think for you! Always go with what you feel… if you feel like it is the right decision at the time then go for it…. you will only live and learn! But the minute you feel something isn’t right … in anything… a friendship… a debate… a business deal.. and you get that weird feeling… question is! Don’t let it just pass by…..Always trust your own gut feeling! 


3) Family First.… they annoy you… they may even piss you off at times but 99% of the time they have your best interests at heart…. (most families do…. we hope anyway)! Again this year I was very silly and young and stupid not to listen to the most important people in my life…. when they tried to show me something in a different light! Again… I lived and learnt…. but sometimes you have to make these mistakes to realise who you are! This new year I will always listen to myself but will always believe that my family adores me…..Remember blood is thicker than water… your family have been their since day dot one! My brother and I have been through a world wind … we lost a family member… we learnt and surprisingly as much as he annoys me at times and I attempt to put him in a head lock (he is 3 years old so this is pretty hard at times) … I adore him…. he is a great guy and I will always be there for him! … never forget who you are or where you are from! 


4) Listen/take advice …… many many many times I went through a phase of ‘I know it all’ I’m twenty something old of course I know this and that… I am no longer a child… but the reality of it is that I don’t know it all! Maybe it’s an early 20 something arrogance … thank God I have grown out of that… the people who are older around you are normally alot wiser because they have made the mistakes… got the t shirt.. read the book.. when they can see someone else making the same mistake they try and help! Don’t be afraid to listen every once and a while…. have an open minded and then make the final decision! 


5) Do what makes you happy…. over the past year I was just doing things…. nothing that I loved or got me excited so this year I am focusing on what I love… I want to try new things.. I want to learn a few new skills… I want to laugh so hard it hurts! 


6) True Friends??… I use to have a lot of aquintences… you then realise then when something goes wrong who your real friends are… some old friends may come back! It is overwhelming how life can continue to surprise you… it would be boring if everything went to plan and we knew what was going to happen! My mum said you should be able to count your BEST friends on one hand… the ones you can actually trust! 


7)Never Settle…. sometimes as human beings we get a bit too comfortable… we should always be striving to the best we can be in every aspect! Don’t be lazy.. don’t settle! You have to set your standards high in life…(be realistic as well)

never settle quote

8) Be positive … seriously … shit happens.. but it’s what you do when it happens that make you the person you are! Instead of moping around man up **b*tch slap** .. stop crying! Sort it out and carry on….!! You don’t cry over spilt milk… so don’t bother crying now! Be positive.. think big… focus on what you love doing!

9) Out with the old… in with the new…. sometimes when a chapter closes in my life.. a bad chapter I like to remove or delete… I like to revamp something or revamp myself… this is most probably the reason women change their hair colour so often to get a ‘new’ identity for that moment in time! Keep it new.. keep it fresh and fun and love life!! i LITERALLY CAN’T STOP smiling… I am so happy! …. for getting rid of all the bad in my life!

Out with the old In with the new

10)Enjoy YOU time…. I know quite a few people who hate being on their own… i love it …. I enjoy my little Skeena world… I feel like I am back… I was hiding away for a while


What are your lessons ??? What will you be taking into 2013? What will you be leaving behind?

Bring on 2013

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