A woman’s handbag… or the kitchen sink?

They say that it’s rude to open a women’s bag, this is because men will realise that we actually carry the entire kitchen sink but we cleverly  disguise it in a small fashionable bag! Over the years I have carried everything from antiseptic wipes, henna cones, hair dye, hot sauce and even a dummy (I don’t have children). So the question still remains what is in your bag? Is it weird and wonderful or practical and organised? I am a fan of putting everything I could possibly need for that my life adventures in one little bag, if someone attempted to steal my hand bag they could last a week off the goods inside, I have water, goji berries, jewellery, chocolate.. and more chocolate… plasters.. antiseptic gel spray…. gum….. socks…. perfume….oh and the wallet!

You can tell a lot about a woman from the contents inside her handbag, my handbag would be saying ‘please organise the mess’ and questioning why I have so much jewellery and a large selection of half stamped Nando’s cards?

Find out what’s in my handbag with my new youtube video …. 


I recently invested in a new perspex clutch and realised that every time I use this bag people can see ‘me’, so I had to downsize and have a bag within a bag! If you are a woman you will defiantly have a bag within a bag, maybe even carry one of those life bags? The new perspex clutch basically exposes my deepest darkest secrets so it is only used on special occasions!





Have an amazing day and don’t forget to subscribe on youtube, love us on Facebook and tumblr!

Wear your prettiest accessory … your smile!


Goodbye savings… Hello Chanel

…. I can’t help it… I’m getting older and my taste is getting more expensive! When I was 5 I was happy with a happy meal and the latest Barbie….now I strive for Chanel on a Zara budget… so yes ……reality has hit me……it’s not happening unless it’s an investment piece! (In this case it is!)

I shop everywhere and I have said it a million times but… it’s not what you wear its how you wear it! I feel that you should invest in 3 designer/good quality items…. shoes… handbags (plural because one is never enough)…. and a jacket or coat!  

This morning on my way to work I was flocking through tumblr and BOOM…. there it was…. BUY ME (that little money spending demon in my head)…. ‘buy me … this would look amazing…. you have to get it….’ Then the saving angel fights back …’ you don’t need them… it’s just a black pair of trainers… your wearing black limited edition converse… don’t be silly’

The spending demon laughs, ‘don’t be so ridiculous… have you seen these shoes? They will be an investment piece’ …. So yes two sides of my brain were having a full blown conversation and I didn’t actually say a word but I know at this point in time I am undecided.



I can’t get this from an ordinary trainer… we both know that! They are just so beautiful… LIKE WOW!!! It’s not even the fact that they are Chanel, they could be Zara but the roses are so pretty! An elegant chic trainer! I might invest if they aren’t ridiculously expensive….if anyone has the link online please send it to me! I have been on the site and nothing… will be ringing the head office tomorrow!

… Would you invest???

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Jewellery… sparkle ….WOW

My weakness is jewellery…. I most probably was some sort of magpie in a previous life! I LOVE shiny things, I could dazzle in jewels all day and the more the better! I love a statement necklace, a blinging ring and get some sort of buzz when someone goes  ‘i love your jewellery’…. at one point I looked into creating my own brand but it wasn’t the time for me! I hope you like my jewellery collection… I have bits from moschino, primark, burberry, forever 21, river island, ASOS, Mikey, Mawi, Accessorize…. When I say I LOVE jewellery …. I am not joking! If you have an up and coming jewellery brand …. send me the link! I love jewellery that is sparkly, something that makes me laugh! DSC02516


Statement jewellery makes an outfit, it can literally transform your whole look! I always take a sneek peek in H&M!

I love the evil eye in jewellery.. it’s so beautiful.. I was recently given a beautiful present from family and I have not taken it off since!


This is a small part of my jewellery collection… I have a few boxes still to unpack but I love love love JEWELLERY… THE more the better! I want to invest in a Tatty Devine necklace!







I got this super cute statement elephant necklace from Topshop about 8 years ago and still wear it to this day! Every time I wear it someone asks me where its from! WOOP DSC02539

Just a few of my bangles… in my other room I have my bangles stacked up on a rack so they don’t get damaged!DSC02541

My mummy gave me these cute vintage earrings… they remind me a bit of Pat Butcher from Eastenders but with an elegant dress, hair up these beauties should dazzle! DSC02543


I managed to pick up this AMAZING crop body top in Topshop…. bejewelled and a statement piece! DSC02545


I love ethnic prints in jewellery, lots of chains like MR T, spikes and studs like a punk rocker! DSC02547




I love body jewellery… Fannie Schivonie is a genius! I have quite a few jewellery braces! I love love love LEATHER jewellery aswell, and jewellery braces or harness! Jewellery in your hair, ear cuffs, anklets! I love it all!!!

If you are a jewellery designer … want to recommend a favourite brand… LET ME KNOW!

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Birthday Girl

I don’t even know where to start…… ok here we go…. firstly I gained a year…. Hopefully a year wiser as LJ (one of the bestie’s ) said! So I have set my self a few goals for the next year, which reflect more on my work life and exploring the world and building relationships with friends and just letting go.


When I was younger I had a ‘plan’…. that at this age I should be earning X amount…. potentially be in a long term relationship and be on the road to marriage! I totally sold myself short, why plan? It’s good to have a pathway but no deadlines… more like eventually I want to get married and have kids but I am in my early twenties… do I even know who I am? (I do now after a few defining moments in my life)!


What I am basically trying to say is that with everything we do … good … bad… whatever ……always learn from the situation because knowledge is power and with that power we can make better decisions and GROW!!! I think the whole point of us being here on this earth is to enjoy our lives, be goods people and grow! Meet new people, try new things… seriously you only live once so do something you haven’t done before! Also before we carry on the use of YOLO has been over used recently…. especially by some people…. and girls and boys who use this as an excuse to sleep around…. its not cool guys! (HASHTAG justsaying)


Ok so let’s get back to business… yes it was my birthday this weekend! Can I get a WHOOP WHOOP …. I had a relaxing day to get ready and pamper myself! Met the lovely ladies for dinner at Asia De Cuba and then had a little party party !


The day before my birthday…. I was dress-less…. I had two dresses in mind, the first one that arrived in the post looked terrible and made me look like a sack of potatoes… the second one from FCUK was way too booby and looked like their signature style.. I was over it… I was stressed… So I roamed around Oxford Street and found my dress FINALLY! I have named her the fire cracker, it looks like someone put a firecracker into a blender and then attacked the fireworks onto the dress! It was a statement dress… WAM BAM THANK YOU MAM….. I AM HERE LADIES…. YES IT’S MY BIRTHDAY ….. get the drift?


So welcome into my Birthday world… I will be posting a new video this week on my birthday makeup on my youtube channel!  Mummy got me the naked pallet 2 from Urban Decay so finally I was plastering that on for my birthday! The make up was a light smokey gold eye with gold glitter and bright pinky lips!


I ended up getting my dress from Topshop…. its from their Ragged Priest Section… I saw it and I couldn’t say no! I have an obsession with sparkly things… so it was a must!


My belt is from Primark…. I think its about £2 and it a great little belt that can be worn with everything to bring in your waist! DSC01995

Decisions … decisions… decisions…. what shoes to wear??

You lucky people get to have a glimpse inside one of my wardrobes… this is normally top secret! DSC02017

The Louboutin’s were amazing…. Super Woman hey! DSC02055

Is it just me … or shall I just say I am 21 from now on…. ???DSC01769

Dinner with the girlies at Asia De Cuba! …if you go try the calamari and banana salad! YUM


What an eventful birthday….. the weekend ended with the day spent with the most important person in my life… the mother! I still can’t believe I am 24… in my head I am still 16 and in my heart I am still daddys little girl!

Also I would recommend if you are looking for a birthday dress and you want something unique… try smaller more niche brands ,,. my favourite brands at the moment are Aqua… black milk clothing and Zara! Remember for your birthday you want to make a statement! Stay tuned for the new make up tutorials and please re post on your facebook 🙂 !


Gone but never forgotten!


Also ladies check out ragged priest full collection here! 

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Rihanna ….. Fashion Diva?

Rihanna is one of the most influential women on the planet, her music, her relationships, her make up… literally everything she does …. we are so obsessed as a nation and we expect her to be perfect! We create these public figures and then scrutinise them for their behaviour, how they dress and how they act! Who are we to judge…….. Rihanna has a talented she has an amazing voice and is now a world wide fashion diva! She doesn’t always get it right but her style is contagious… remember when she dyed her hair red?

I have never seen so many women with bright red hair… and then they decided to take it to the next level by shaving off the head…. (Think looked so odd on so many people… won’t be doing that again now will you lol)



I decided to do this post as the only interest I have in Rihanna is what she is wearing, she changes from street style to hollywood glamour within hours. 001


This Dolce & Gabanna number looks amazing on her, I personally would pair this with an oversized black Zara jacket and keep the pumps. Wearing double leopard print is hard but everyone should try it…. !



I love this look, how Rihanna as a really girl dress paired with converse! It’s easier when the converse are plain!

Balmain show, Spring / Summer 2010 Paris Fashion Week, Paris, France - 30 Sep 2009I don’t like Rihanna’s hair or outfit in this picture I think it looks cheap and far from sophisticated.



This hair suits Rihanna the most, she actually looks great with less make up and bright lip stick, sometimes the less you try the better you actually look! rihanna-unapologetic-record-launch-02



I absolutely love this look, the double leather casual look. I wouldn’t wear it with a head piece but her make up and style is on point in this picture!
Barclaycard Wireless Festival 2012 - London

The outfit Rihanna is wearing is from the TV programme she recently was featured in Styled to Rock  where young British designers battled out to create RiRi some outstanding outfits for her tour!

Rihanna Plays London Leg Of Her 777 Tour


This Madonna-esk bra is pretty risky but I guess this all works with her image!



One of my favourite looks, I think Rihanna actually looks better covered up. It is easy for anyone to show a bit of flesh but when you get it right and your covered up I feel she needs a little clap. Her stylist is on point woop!



This Givenchy Top and trousers with her peep toe is another favourite look of mine, maybe it’s because I would wear it myself! i love the birds of paradise t-shirt and I think I have to invest!






The coat and the timberlands look great! It shows that she even has her own style with casual clothes!






Riri doesn’t look amazing without make up… but lets be realistic who does?Rihanna+Makeup+Red+Lipstick+1AKFSnkazjyl





rihanna Rihanna+Nails+Dark+Nail+Polish+1OYOT7V52hDl


Red lips look amazing against her skin tone and her fake eyelashes set of her make up.





Every time I see pointy nails I immediately think of Riri! This lady is setting trends left right and centre!


What is your favourite look? Do you like Rihanna’s style?


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Katie Eary…. Shamazingggg

I am a big fan of up and coming designers and I think Katie Eary just keeps getting better and better. Katie first popped on the scene in 2010, her obsession with animal print is still dominant in her prints! Check out her next season collection and let me know what you think? Do you love it? Hate it? Need it right now? I personally love it!!

Katie has created these shaaaaamazing prints that make me want to jump up and down, grab some high waisted disco pants….. grab one of her t-shirts…..put my hair up in a sleek model-esh bun, dark lipstick… heels and WHAM … I am ready to strut my stuff!

FISHES, ELECTRIC BLUES, OCTOPUS …. SEA…. (check it out check it out)

What do you think? I am IN LOVE!! This has inspired me to wear double print and I think for SS13 I will be purchasing one of her swimsuits!

Check out her latest collection here and don’t forget to Love us on Facebook!  

Kardashian Kollection for Dorothy Perkins

Today the Kardashian’s launched their first clothing line in the UK in collaboration with Dorothy Perkins. Sequins, body cons, glitters, red, leather, leopard and glamour has the Kardashians signature look written all over the new collection.. or should I say Kollection!

So I decided to give it a few days before I venture to Dorothy Perkins to see the quality and fit of the goods but as I came out of Oxford Circus earlier today I was mobbed by crowds of people waiting for the Kardashians. Tonight at Aqua Bar models marched in by the dozen dressed like Kim with her signature pony tail. Celebrities … (the x factor crowd) jumped out of the taxis one by one! I have never been so squashed in my life, being pushed and shoved left right and centre but I felt that I should feed my obesession and wait for Kim…. 25 minutes later a vintage Rolls Royce pulls up.. and out jumps Kourtney and Kim… no Khloe. .. At this point in time I wish I could of shoved the girl to the side, jump over the damn barrier and join Kimmy and Kourt for a cocktail.. in my mind I assume we would get on quite well!

Kim looked beautiful .. as usual and the dress looked ok! Kim was wearing the black sequin dress from her collection. Check out their entire collection here.

(please look at kims bum in this photo)

They literally marched on from down the road dressed head to toe in the collection! Sir Philip Green waited for the girls and arrived after the marching kardashians!

I love love love love love the Kardashians but have to say I was slightly disappointed by the collection, I think its great and it looks good but its just not my style! It looks gorgeous on the actual Kardashians .. what do you think? Would you guys buy this? It’s a great price point but I feel that if the Kardashians collaborated with H&M the collection would of been more fashion forwards that bum hugging!

Please let me know your comments and what you think?


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Kim Kardashian .. the latest

I love Kim K and her sense of style has dramatically changed since she has been dating Kayne. Kim is looking more refined and sophisticated, she still looks like a doll but her style is now  minimalistic, classic with a lit bit of body con!

Kim K is know for her curves, hair, flawless make up and obivously her TV show! I have had so many people asking how to get the ‘kim k’ foundation look. Kim uses Giorgio Armani Foundation, she uses 3 different shades, her natural shade, one lighter to highlight and one darker to contour!

The Make Up

I LOVE the flawless makeup look especially for an evening look! I have tried this… check out the images below and try this out! Let me know what you think and I will be uploading a tutorial on it soon! Try individual eyelashes instead of a strip to get a more natural look! (I get mine from boots… eye lure)

Kim’s New Style

What do you think? Do you love or hate her new style? I have to admit that she does get it wrong sometimes but most of the time she looks fab! Her make up looks amazing and I love her style and hair!


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I have stumbled across another amazing brand…. I can’t manage to get the words out quick enough.. I want… I NEED… MUST BUY…(moves hand towards purse)…. closes eyes and purchases! …. refuses to look at bank balance for the next month!!

A-MORIR is a new amazing sunglasses brand. Celebrities LOVE them, they are futuristic…IN YOUR FACE, beautiful, one offs… WOW! BOOM! OUT THERE…. (get the drift)….

They are the kind of glasses that when you wear them people will stop you in the street… (where did you get this from?>???)

They have currently launched a collection on ASOS


Salmone Sunglasses

My favourite sunglasses!! EEEEKKKKKKKKK

I hope this post has inspired you to purchase these amazing sunglasses…… I am so excited! They are beautiful…..(flutters eyelashes at mother…..)

Vogue Fashion’S Night Out

What an amazing night! Bond Street was booming, filled to the brim, music blaring with two live performances and a set from a live Jazz & Swing band. Missoni has an ice cream truck and Hersheson had it’s portable blow dry bar set up.

Queues of people for Jimmy Choo, D&G’s exclusive private event and many people mingling in Moschino. 

Bloggers invaded the streets, photographers everywhere, press and trend forecasters covering the most entertaining fashion event before the start of LFW. 

I met quite a few interesting characters last night, Kelly Brook looked lovely in her cream dress as she tottered past me on her way to the Missoni’s event. Pixie Lott was chilling in Moschino. Bumped into my lovely friend Neeko with his entourage showcasing his new collections of studded spiky rock glamour. 

Everyone was in high spirits, if you didn’t manage to go this year MAKE sure you go next year. I felt like I was at a street party and met so many different designers, bloggers and fashionistas. 

Forget the celeb spotting and street style fashion a variety of stores had promotions and competitions to win their luxury goods. 

Hersheson Blow Dry Bar on Wheels 

Street Style- Minimalistic black, embellished cardigan, wedge Ash trainers –

Voted 6/10 **Snaps**

Street Style 2: Love her head piece and printed dress **6/10**

Jameela Jamil Dj-ing in Longchamp- 7/10 Love her hat and make up! 

Street Style 3- Bold Blue Hair- How lovely does this lady look…. 9/10 for her hair! 

Street Style 4 – Darkwah Kyei-Darkwah- Designer ***WE LOVE THIS 9/10***

Street Style 5- Accessories Accessories Accessories- Don’t we just love her hat… she’s only 15 **Style Cutie** 6/10

Street Style 6- Love her outfit, wear with a cute black jacket and a pair of flats! 6/10 

Street Style 7- Purple Haze- I love this girls style, dip dye, head shaved and American Apparel trousers !! 6/10!!

Street Style 8- The most interesting outfit of the night! …….I love it …. 8/10 **Extra Fashion Points for a man wearing wedges**

Street Style 9- Bow Tie Bleach Brogues! I love this boys style, 8/10 **

Street Style 10- Bold and Bright…. this ladies jumper is currently in H&m £40 (i want this ) 8/10 

Street style 11- Accessorise much? I love this ladies style, bottle green, golden bib, embroider collar and the new coral Hermes bag! 9/10 ***WE LOVE***

Street style 12- Green Goddess…. interesting choice, this outfit is like marmite you either love it or hate it! She pulls it of pretty well! Love her Shoes and jacket. 7/10 

Street Style 13- Pastel meets Patterns- Effortless chick 7/10 

We bonded over our love of jewellery, check out his golden Collar… only £15! 

How lovely does Pixie look? So polite and we love her outfit! YAY 9/10 

Street Style 14- Up and coming fashion designer! Check out his jewellery! 8/10 **fashion forward** and yes we love your nose ring! 

Street Style 15- Gothic Glamour! Love her outfit and esp her ear cuff! Bring back gothic glamour 9/10**

Street style 16- Effortless Chic, amazing jacket, this little lady is setting up her own vintage brand and how amazing is her limited Edition Gucci bag? 9/10 ** 

Street Style 17- Neeko brand!! how amazing does this look… will keep you posted with his new collection soon! 9/10 *** WE LOVE **

Street Style 18- Sparkle Studs and Tartan…. how cool does she look? 9/10 **

Street Style 19- Best Dressed man of the night… smart luxe! 9/10 ** we love!!**

Street style 20- Best Dressed Fashionista …… WOW!!!! 10/10 ***

What an amazing evening!! So many street style pictures and amazing people! 


RT and comment for a chance to win a limited edition Vaseline Pink Bubbly  pot! 

Winners Revealed next Week!!