I’m Back In NYC

Well howdy……. I am back in NYC! I have been hibernating in Jersey over the weekend and got into the City yesterday! I really love this City and want to live here for a year or two! NYC has this vibe, I can’t really describe it but it’s busy and always gets me excited! The fashion is completely different and nothing compares to the UK high street but NYC has so much to offer in other ways! Today I took a walk in central park, I would love to walk there everyday, theres a random castle, people roller skating, boats, fitness freaks…. it’s beautiful and makes you forget you are in the middle of a busy city!

Since I arrived I have been swimming with the familia, a quick shopping trip to forever 21 which was pretty unsuccessful, been to Westville which was super yummy and been out about in the City. I love the meat packing district and we went to The Dream Hotel Rooftop Bar which was beautiful! Annie and I are vlogging some of the things we do, we are attempting to go to Trapeze on the Pier if we can get an appointment and enjoying girl time!








Have an amazing day and keep posted for new bits on the blog!


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I was recently invited to AQ AQ’s launch previously know as Aqua by Aqua  to see the rebranding and new seasons collection. This was hosted at their Carnaby Street store, it was a red carpet event and full of bright colours and digital prints.




Laura Whitmore Dj’d the whole night wearing one of the new seasons jumpsuits, currently available online.



Mollie King from The Saturdays look stunning in red! What a statement dress and also available online! 


This seasons we see reds, neons and bold strong colours mixed with prints and darings cuts. They have a sexual leotard which can we worn as swimwear or as a top, it’s fierce and has a high cut leg and low cut back. 


I want so much menswear it’s worrying, it’s full of digital prints and i love an oversized tee with my hair up for a day look. The men’s store is at the other end of Carnaby street. DSC06303


This season Scott Wilson has taken his statement pieces to a new extreme. Bold, gold and ‘in yo face’ the statement piece of the season. DSC06310



Delilah wearing AQAQ pants ….. I have these too, she reminded me how to rock them for the summer! DSC06333



Aaron Frew the model and me posing for the camera.. double prints all the way! DSC06328


I know this is menswear but i’m going to buy the whole outfit! Looking fierce Frew!1070047_703780626315093_659964804_n





Love love love my new Scott Wilson Ring that I got at the press event, I wore on the plane to the US and I have had so many compliments! photoring



I also decided to represent and wear my new AQAQ tee, casual yet simple with my printed HnM trousers! photoaqDon’t forget to check out their new collection here! An exclusive video of the event will be up on youtube over the next few days…. see the frenzie of the relaunch!

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Girl Gossip…

Where do I even begin…a majority of conversations with my girlies revolve around men/boys (a majority of them have not grown up yet) … fashion… love… and our future plans! 60% of the conversation will relovle around who is dating who? .. Did he really say that on a date? Why is he still talking to his Ex GF? What good is this man actually bringing to your life?

The conversation will go something like this … ‘No he did not do that? Why are men so stupid… he needs to lock it down…. onto the next one!’ …. ‘If he playing games now he will always be playing games, you want a man not a boy!’….’Have you seen his new girlfriend **stalk social media** …. you are way better than her… he downgraded!’

This is what friends do…. well this is what me and my friends talk about… boys boys and more boys! We all have that dream wether we admit to it or not of one day getting married to our prince charming and falling head over heels in love … living happily ever after… pop out some kids… enjoy life … the end!

Realistically all disney films have set us up for failure and we now have unrealistic views on ‘love’! Your prince charming will come when you least expect it, he most probably won’t look how you expected him too and he will treat you like the princess that you are! Before that you need to filter out the Rif-raf and focus on you!




Soaking up the summer weather at the weekend London is one of the most beautiful places when its warm! We can enjoy the rooftop bars and I actually get to wear my summer wardrobe outside my house! I would recommend popping to Radio bar at the top of the ME hotel when you can. It’s pretty lush with phenomenal views…. I can’t wait to attend during fashion week…. will be totes amazing (clueless accent)! DSC06256


My beautiful friend Rosie is wearing her structured Zara white shorts with her Urban Outfitter shoes and tee! Keeping it simple, elegant and effective! Very monochrome chic!… We didn’t plan out outfits by the way… we just ended up in very similar colours! DSC06259



Rosie has the most beautiful hair I have ever seen….. like seriously I have been telling her this for years and it’s like it’s been woven with silk! Naturally having dead straight hair she used a curling tong to get beach waves! DSC06270


My sandals which I am currently obsessed with at the moment are from Zara and are on SALE! So grab them while you can ladies….. only £20… BARGAIN! My embellished structured shorts are from Primark last year….. It’s the second time I have worn them out and I think they went down quite well with this little number! The top is from Zara and yes again very monochrome!




If I am not working during the day… I will be filming or editing a post so it’s nice to just catch up with friends and enjoy the sunshine! I hope you are all enjoying the weather and wearing suncream! DSC06296

Keep your eyes peeled for my new haul and fashion video for AQ AQ!

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I love me more…..

So….. where do I even start! Yes I love you but I love me more… many women I have met in the past have managed to always put someone else before them (normally a man that doesn’t appreciate them) and never really value themselves for who they are….. this has to stop! As selfish as this may sound… sometimes we need to be selfish and fully healed before we start a new relationship with someone, I have heard people say that they can’t live without this person and they would die if they broke up with their boyfriend! As romantic as this may sound at some point it also sounds slightly crazy, I have been there and said all that…. got the t-shirt and look at me now…. living…. jumping around …. and enjoying my life so much more!

In a relationship there should be a healthy balance and as women we should always have our ‘own things’ going on in regards to personal friends, hobbies and goals and whatever else you have! I am not going to sugar coat any situation but you meet as two individuals and make a life together and you should compliment each other not complete each other! This is my personal opinion and from looking at successful relationships in my family they have all taken a leaf from this book! Being a strong women and having your own goals in life is great but once you get in a relationship do NOT be that girl that forgets her friends…. doesn’t come out any longer and isn’t allowed to go on a girls holiday because the ‘bf’ doesn’t like it! In this scenario I believe trust is the issues…. the reason I can so casually talk about these things is because at some point I was that girl! I never ever ever ever thought I would get myself into that position… I still saw my friends but my ex was a major part of my life at that time… as the relationship was unhealthy and I found out he was a sociopath it all makes sense! The whole point of this ladies is never loose yourself for anyone! Always keep your eye on the ball and if you love someone they should support your dreams and help you get there.


I also hear a lot of women saying …. ‘oh I want to marry a rich man’….. hmmmm firstly why don’t you get rich yourself and make something of yourself instead of just managing to fall into money! Like attracts Like… so if you are a strong ambitious women who wants to work hard and get rich you will… if you want to just marry a rich man and do nothing then thats you! I would personally much prefer being a strong independent successful women and meeting a man who is pretty much the same! Remember that the materialistic things in life don’t make you happy… I would rather have a man that thought about something to help me achieve my dream instead of flashing some cash to impress me! Some women like that… however if you have a brain and are not impressed by money then you are two steps ahead!

I met up with the ladies yesterday after work for a chitchat, it was a beautiful summers day in London and we managed to go to Aqua Rooftop to catch a few rays….the main topics we discussed were boys… fashion… boys boys and boys! Previous relationships, things we have learnt… what we want in life… who we are dating…etc…. Just a basic catch up that managed to last until 930 where we then decided to eat our problem away… YAY


Previously to meeting them I managed to get marks all down my pretty dress so had a quick outfit change into the Pineapple Princess…. I got this cute number from HnM… super comfortable and super cheap ladies! (I bought this earlier on that day!)


My beautiful friends who I love…. Bey’s pretty sunglasses are from Marc Jacobs and I need to ask Elle where hers are from… designer but not sure! IMG_8075

Bey’s stunning necklace is from ASOS and currently online! I love my fashionable friends… not only are they fashionable ladies but it’s so refreshing to meet women who are ambitious…. have their head screwed on the right way… respect themselves and enjoy life! Place yourself around positive people and be a leader not a follower!


So yes we discussed men… boys… men and boys! The reason I decided to differentiate between the two is because even though we have all dated and have ex boyfriends a lot of the ‘men’ are still actually boys! They may be older, successful but they still have a lot of maturing when it comes to treating women and being in  relationships! Treat people how you would like to be treated…… I have met many men that see women as objects of desire instead of actual people! Be wise ladies and choose your partner carefully, I hope he appreciates you for everything you are from your brain, ambition and what you stand for.



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Go Find Yourself…

I am 24 and I have done everything I was ‘suppose’ to do … I went to school… went to University… got a degree… and now I am working full time in the field I graduated in…. now I am questioning EVERYTHING …. is this it? Is this my path? Is there more to life….. I am currently sitting on my floor in my room after attempting some yoga and feel the need to write down my thoughts and just let my brain be free! My brain is on the go 24/7….I am bored of this standard structure, I want to be creative, I want to paint again… I want to do all the things I love everyday for a few months and enjoy myself!


I am so curious about the world, I have this urge to travel and see the world, I want to experience so many different cultures, take pictures on top of mountains….. go bungee jumping in Australia… go to music festivals around the world and street style when I can …. Go to Brazil… See elephants in Africa….. learn how to cook traditional food by an old Italian lady in her house in a little village…. I want to absorb all these experiences… I have travelled a lot in my life with my family but I feel it’s time to let go of structure and find me!

When people previously said they were going travelling to ‘find themselves’ I never really got it, I thought to myself.. I already know who I am why would I want to travel….. I felt safe in my bubble…. that bubble popped and now I want to float around the world and find out where it could take me! Be curious…educate yourself in the ways of the world! Learn another language, relocate…. you may love your life at the moment and enjoy the life you have but there is always more! We will never know everything so we might as well explore and travel…


I want to be free like a bird, travel the world and not be bound by societies structure of this and that! I personally want to make a big difference in my life and absorb as much information about this world as possible! We have to think big to get big in this world… I am currently blabbering all my thoughts out to the world and hopefully it will have a domino affect and get you thinking about your life and what you want to do!


We can achieve greats things and see the world if we change our state of mind…. we are always afraid of taking chances and trying something new because of the uncertaininty of what will happen… as a typical planner I love structure… I love a plan and knowing that I will be doing A,B, and C today however this is not how life works!

I met someone (you know who you are)…. they broke down my walls and have showed me a new way of thinking…. I am going with the flow and instead of giving everything a time structure I am giving myself goals of things I want to do in life! No matter what your age we should all be able to fulfil our dreams and the only thing stopping you… is yourself so make those baby steps towards your dreams…


I have written a list of things I want to do and I keep adding and adding and it’s just getting longer and longer! Some of them are pretty cheesy but who cares.. it’s my fairy tale so I will be writing it however I want! I love animals and seeing animals in London Zoo is very sweet but I want to see them on Safari…. a special someone took me to the zoo and they passed the test… now it’s my turn to take that one step further and go on SAFARI! I want to see elephants… I am imaging a mix of the jungle book and madagascar however I will most probably be terrified of getting attacked or my camera stolen by monkeys (I’m sure that only happens in the films right?) I want to see  lions and zebras and all the other animals and get some real first hand inspiration for my art!

I want to do yoga on the beach for a whole month every morning, hear the ocean and feel the sand! I have lived in London my whole life, a concrete jungle and I work in the fashion industry… I want to see first handedly what the other cultures wear… their national dress…. the list is really really long but hopefully I can start exploring this part of my life very soon inshallah and letting go of some structure!

You never know what will happen until you try… let go off all that fear… jump into the deep end and enjoy every experience! Dream….. believe….. achieve! Maybe I will become an explorer?? Who knows…. hehe .. let’s just enjoy life!

Go Find Yourself…..

Don’t forget to check out facebook, tumblr, youtube, Instagram and twitter! 



It’s 28’c …. in London…

The sun has been shining all week and I have managed to get a tan…a very small tan to say the least…. however this NEVER happens in London so hopefully by writing this super happy post it won’t jinx it and start raining again!

The past weekend I managed to have a picnic, go boating in hyde park, attempt to  skate board, record my first vlog and buy a wedding outfit for my brothers asian wedding! A fun packed weekend with the sun shining has made me reconsider living in London. I want the sun to shine everyday, I want to feel the heat and have you noticed how  everyone is so much happier! I think maybe Dubai? NYC… I need a beach so maybe LA… maybe somewhere in Europe… I am not actually sure yet but I know that I am young… it’s my life.. my story and it’s time to explore!

Sometimes I feel we are so bound by societies structure to do this and that…. it’s your life… explore… travel… educated yourself by the cultures of the world! Embraces each others differences and learn! We should be learning something new everyday, stop sticking to what you know and find out something knew! This whole planet is for us to explore but we are so comfortable in our cocoon …..

The new vlog will be out at the end of the week and you can see how LJ (Lauren… one of my best friends) spend our time together!


My new Zara outfit and Zara shoes, currently in store and on sale! YAY! DSC06110

Boating in Hyde park DSC06182


Lj attempting to skate board…. she did a pretty good job! Go JAM JAMDSC06065DSC06179



At the end of the evening we were exhausted and got the last train home… time flies when you are having fun… after this we decided to grab a midnight snack at Tinsel Town….. I got home at 3am after having a super delicious burger and milk shake! NOM NOM NOM

Subscribe on youtube, love us on facebook, be nosey on instagram and check out tumblr and twitter!


Spread the Love

… A few street style pics of some fab people in the park….


How fab does this young lady look?


… I salute a man that has his own style and is bold enough to wear this!

Let’s just be happy…

IWANTYOURSTYLE is not just about fashion, street styling, beauty and make up but I have made the conscious decision to  invite  you  into my world.


It’s quite an overwhelming experience that I post my thoughts, pictures and discuss my emotions on the internet for anyone to read. I have no idea who is reading this or what their perception is off me, but for some reason it feels right and I love doing it.


I am not just a a shopaholic, I have a purpose in life and I never take myself too seriously! I don’t do things by halves, if you catch me laughing I will be in hysterics and if I am emotional I will be a mess. I could never put a front on or try to act a certain way, I can’t stand the obnxious fashionista’s who refuse to eat and judge me if my designer bag is last season. I own both Primark and Prada bits and will rock them at the same time, to me fashion is not what you wear it’s how you wear it. You could be dressed head to toe in Chanel and have zero personal style, please please please take your own perspective on fashion and wear whatever you think goes. Don’t be a sheep, make the trends and mix it up with your own personal twist!


I looked at my life today and realised for quite some time I haven’t actually been living, over a year I was just following the herd. I went to school, graduated with a good degree, got a job and now I am questioning all those decisions… is this it? Is this really what I want to do? I want to wake up every day creating something new, working towards my goals and making a difference in life and I find that at this moment in time my little blog and youtube gives me those opportunities. Are you happy with what you are do? Are you even living your life? I am at that point in my life where big chances are going to happen…. I am excited and nervous! EEEKKK


Keep your eyes peeled I have a new motivational and hair video up this week… street styling and a new haul will be on it’s way! Have an amazing day, don’t forget to check youtube, tumblr, instagram and facebook!



Wedding, Prom and Summer Dresses

Hello my lovelies…. I have been super busy with work and I haven’t been able to upload my wedding and prom inspirational lookbook. This was filmed before my brothers wedding and I had no idea what to wear so I bought a selection of dresses! I literally has no idea what to wear, what the weather would be like.. should I wear a fitted dress, short dress, long dress…. all these questions and so little time…. so I had a rummage on the highstreet and found all these beauties!

For occasion dresses I would recommend going to Reiss, Ted Baker and Coast but these dresses are more formal, structured and slightly more expensive… for an occassion dress that you can dress up or down I would go to Zara, Topshop, Miss Selfridge, Asos or Warehouse… Remember it’s not what you wear it’s how you wear it! Invest in good accessories, heels and make your dress look individual. The only problem with buying dresses from the highstreet for a special occasion is the possibility of someone having the same dress as you… but look fab and wear it better ladies! (Beyonce strut)

 … I hope you like the youtube video…. my hair was all over the place so i apologise for all the hair touching …

Outfit 1

My yellow floral dress is from topshop, its £95 and the hair band is £25! It’s currently in store and they have a shorter version in a peachy colour. the straps can be worn up or down but I preferred them tucked in.



Outfit 2

This super cute dress is from Oasis, its a limited edition 60’s dress and cost £75! In real life it’s bright and vibrant and works well with a tan… if not just fake it!



Outfit 3

This pretty floral dress is also from Oasis and cost £65, I got it in a size 6!I loved this dressed but it wasn’t practical for a wedding as it has cut out bits at the side! The pretty headband in the youtube is from Primark for £5!



Outfit 4

My favourite dress and the one that I wore during the ceremony! The gold and green paisley print made me feel like I was wearing a 60’s dress. I added an underskirt to make the dress stick out! The dress was from Miss Selfridge and cost £55. My shoes are last season from Zara.


Outfit 5

Another pretty dress from Miss Selfridge and it only cost £55. I liked this dress however it has too much cleavage on show for the wedding so I decided to wear the green dress instead. The material looked slightly cheap but the print of the dress was very pretty. bluedress


Outfit 6

This vibrant yellow dress was from Oasis, it cost £50 and came with this black belt. I removed the belt and added a cute fur gillet from coast. Wear this with nude or match it with orange to stand out even more!



Outfit 7

I love the colour red and this beauty cost £65 from warehouse. It fitted well and I really like the 3/4 mid length dress it looks very elegant. Check out my previous videos on youtube to get this super cute hairstyle.




Outfit 8

I know you can’t wear white to someone else’s wedding but this would be cute for prom. This embellished beaded dress is from Warehouse and cost £95. The headband is from oasis and cost £12. I think this dress can be dressed up or down. Add a pair of classic round toe or peep toe shoes to give the dress some sophistication. The dress is slightly see through so wear a underskirt. DSC04833



I hope you have an amazing day and if you have an occasion coming up I hope this inspired you. If you need any help or advice for dresses and style tweet me @foofiefoo or inbox me! Remember keep your head high, smile and keep going! Get drunk off of your own positivity and be a go getter!

Dream… believe… achieve… don’t forget to check out instagram, facebook, youtube and tumblr!




Tatty Devine… MBA!

I love jewellery, it creates an outfit and makes you stand out! For the past few years I have been interested in creating a jewellery brand and realised that you have to have a unique selling point (USP) to make your brand stand out. For my dissertation I frantically searched the UK for jewellery brands to find a gap in the market to see if their was an opportunity to create a new one…. Sadly I found out that the jewellery I was interested in reproducing was already being created by other bigger brands… if I wanted to stand out I needed to become a jewellery design with unique designs…. The whole point of this background information was to explain  that one of my favourite jewellery brands is Tatty Devine! They have been around for over ten years and recently got a MBA on Friday, both Harriet and Lucy went to Buckingham palace to receive their MBA. I popped into the store to order my new necklace but got sidetracked by the colourful merginues and giant jewellery! Have a looksie at the Brick Lane store, Tatty Devine is also available in Selfridges and online.









I managed to bag myself one of the limited edition Tatty Devine badges! Yay…





Have an amazing day and don’t forget to check out tumblr, youtube, twitter, facebook and instagram!

Enjoy life and smile


Spring in my Step

Finally we have some nice weather in London and I had a quick rummage through my summer wardrobe and found my favourite maxi dress from last year! It’s bright, vibrant and makes me happy… colours have an affect on my mood so when the sun is shining I will be wearing the brightest colours possible… if not you will find me in black!

My dress is from H&M (last year) and my jewellery is from ASOS (currently online)… I am feeling a bit weird today but I believe that when life gives you lemons… make the best damn lemonade you can! Remember that everything happens for a reason and we are always learning, my mum tells me to this day that she still has life lessons to learn! Smile… live your life and focus on you!


















Have an amazing day and don’t forget to love yourself first…. you will never be able to love someone properly if you don’t value and love yourself first! A relationship is suppose to compliment you not complete you.

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