Mens Street Style 2013

London is the fashion capital of the world, I was on a little mission to find the most stylish men in London. I created a short street style film, these men are stylish, sophisticated and dress ‘on point’…. (Skeena Slang)!

Black on black to double denim see how the real fashionistas of London Dress! Spread the love… share.. like.. and thumbs up!




Jordan Johnson 

Zara black leather jacket

Long Clothing Hoody

Topman Sketch Skinny Jeans

Air Jordans DSC04205

Bapti D

All Saints Leather Bomber

All Saints Shirt

All Saints Chinos

Black Vans Hi Top




Ray Noir

Jumper- Self Made

Jeans- Trial Series

Shoes- Dr Martins




Jacket- Vintage

Ralph Lauren Yellow Top

COS Trousers

Adidas 90’S Trainers

Muji Socks




Jacket- Criminal Damage

T Shirt- A Question Of – Topman

Jeans- Levi

Shoes- Vans


Hoody Hnm

Top- Size

Necklace- Selfmade

Trainers- Size




COS Jacket

Top- Fabric

COS Jeans

Puma Trainers


Joe W

Onesie- Republic

Trainers- Nike Black





David White

Vintage leather Jacket

Cow Vintage Shirt

Terry De Havilland overalls

Terry De Havilland Shoes



Camillo Montano 

Jacket Second Hand

Knitwear -SNS Herning

Levi Jeans

Nike Trainers



Michael Penney

All Saints T shirt

Topman Jeans

Flossy Shoes

H&M Sunglasses

Josh W

RiverIsland Onesie


Chris T

Hats by Beans

Reiss Jacket

Levi Jeans

Shoes by Red Wong Shoes


Daniel Jose

Second Hand Coat

Denim jacket Levi

Cheap Monday Jens

Air Force Ones



Gav S

Jacket- David Mayer Naman

Levi Shirt

Nike Trainers


Cyrus Pasha

Zara Trousers

Topman Hat

Have an amazing day, like us on facebook, tumblr, youtube, twitter and instagram!

Who is your favourite?


Terry De Havilland

I am always on the look for a new brand, something different with it’s own vibe! I can’t stand generic brands that filter the catwalk trends to their customers! I want something original and I found it…. FINALLY!

If you love shoes you are going to love Terry De Havilland, known as the ‘Rock and Roll Cobbler’ he is back with his exclusive store just off of Carnaby Street! Vibrant, full of colours, beautifully made with statement prints- and some of them even glow in the dark!




The SS13 collection stands for indulging, indulging in one’s love for pop art. With the charm of a Roy Lichtenstein painting and the visual stimulation of a Technicolor film, Terry De Havilland  is easy to wear and brightens up any outfit.



I need these shoes in my life… think its time to make an investment! I have a thing for cobalt blue shoes!



Not a heel lover, check out their festival boots which range from £180-£250 depending on the design! I think the sparkle takes off the hardcore edge of the shoes and makes them versatile! How will you wear them?



Check out their full collection online or visit the store! I will be investing in a pair very soon! And if you haven’t already you really should be asking yourself “why haven’t I?”. Make a statement in this years seasons collection.

Have an amazing day and don’t forget to love us on facebook, youtube, instagram and twitter!

Think big to get big peeps


Live Your Life … it’s not a rehearsal

We spend so much time stressing about doing this and that … we forget to enjoy each day and to just live! Stop stressing… smile… laugh.. cry… scream… whatever it is but enjoy every moment! Absorb the world around you and explore something new! Do something new this week… stop procrastinating and just do! Nothing has to be perfect… forget the plan and just do! Don’t be scared… dive in head first and enjoy it… you may succeed … it might not go to plan but you would never know if you don’t try! Everything happens for a reason.. smile…… and kick sadness in the face!

Check out my amazing colourful weekend around London….. remember it’s not a rehearsal so go for it! Embrace everything!!!!!!







(my attempt at climbing a tree….. it didn’t really work!







(the boy tries to do a cartwheel… aww)tumblr_lno3upsz4A1qiikbto1_500







What I am wearing 

Zara green floral shirt

Zara Leather jacket

Zara green jeans

Black Converse













I have a really great motivational video that will be out this week…. check it out this week on youtube! Don’t forget to love us on facebook, tumblr and instagram! 



A Tourist in my Own Town

Dedicated to My Isha ….

This weekend I have managed to see London in a completely different light, I walked all over the city, through parks and popped to the zoo! Next time you have a day off, go and take a walk around London but go through the back streets! Take your camera and look up, as a Londoner I am always in a rush…. when you actually look at the architecture  around you everything seems different or new! Open your eyes and see things from a new angle! Check out my colourful weekend at the Zoo…. I honestly felt like a child…. when was the last time you went to the zoo?

Recently I have seen a new side of life… yes I still love fashion, style, beauty products and that glitters but I feel like I have found a new respect for the natural world! Going to zoo, walking everywhere in London and seeing things from a different perspective have recently blown my mind away! I have found my ‘happy place’ within my own mind and I am enjoying life every step of the way…. even when I fall!





















I am really starting to appreciate life….. I hope you are too! You are amazing and don’t forget to surround yourself with positive people!

Check out youtube for motivational videos, street style, fashion and beauty tips! Tumblr, facebook and instagram! 

Live everyday like its your last and smile!


Thank You Isha for showing me a new side of life…you have changed my life in ways I don’t fully understand yet….you know… I know…. you passed the test without even knowing! Thank you… yours always!

American Apparel Lookbook




So I finally made my lookbook… check out the individual outfits below! Have a great day and wear something fab! Don’t forget to subscribe on youtube and give it a thumbs up!


Outfit 1

Zara Jacket, Brick lane sunglasses, AA black disco pants, limited edition all black converse, Charlie Le Mindi Tshirt!








Outfit 2

Red AA trousers, Zara studded leather jacket (studded myself), Zara SS13 season shoes, Forever 21 leopard jumper!






Outfit 3

Green AA disco pants, Zara leopard wedges, Warehouse black top, Zara sequin jacket , clear clutch ebay






Outfit 4

Black AA trousers, HnM peplum top, Orange SS13 Forever 21 jacket, Zara SS13 shoes, clear clutch ebay






Outfit 5

Green AA disco pants, Johnny cupcakes jumpers, Zara pink blazer, Miu Miu Trainers






Outfit 6

Yellow Zara jacket, Forever 21 t shirt, black AA disco pants, Zara studded flat brogues




Outfit 7

Green AA trousers, Warehouse silk printed top, HnM white fluffy cardigan






Have a great day, don’t forget to love us on facebook, tumblr, instagram and subscribe on youtube!


Ella Dror Press Event AW13

Last week I rocked up to Ella Dror’s Press event at the Swarovski Lounge in London. It was edgy, cool, vibrant and saturated with the best up and coming talent in the fashion world. Here is a sneak peek of all the hottest collections for AW13, from Aqua by Aqua’s daring dresses to Charlie Le Mindu all over ‘hair’ outfits! Leave your inhibitions at the door and unleash your alter ego!

Bobby Abley AW13

Bobby has created a ‘space’ sports luxe collection that is vibrant and bold.



Ashley Williams 

The new kids on the block, her collection reminds me of being a child with toys, fur, sparkles and random Elvis heads! One of the most interesting collections of the night,a 90’s girly sleep over in clothes is the way I see it.




Hasan Hejazi

Some of the most elegant yet edgy evening wear  dresses I have seen. Sparkly fitted floor length gowns with a fishtail tailored trail. Hasan is a talented designers and makes bespoke dresses, check out his full collection here. 




Pieran Gong

One of the most interesting yet weirdest collection I have ever come across. When I say ‘weird’ it means I like it, something I have never seen before….. what do you guys think? Would you wear this?



Aqua By Aqua

One of my favourite brands of all time, they are on point every season and always seem to bring it bigger and better each time. I created a visual list of all the things I need when the clothes hit down in store. Shocking vibrant greens with a seductive khaldescope digital prints in new season shapes. Every girl needs to invest in new Aqua dress, check out this seasons collection here.





Kitty Joseph

I don’t even need to explain this collection…. I love it!





For the full range of designers and their collections check out Ella’s site! Are you ready for the loud vibrant pieces for this AW13!!

Bring it! 

Love us on facebook, tumblr, youtube and @iwantyourstyle instagram! 

March USA Haul…. more shopping!

I came back from the USA a few weeks ago and filmed a new haul…. I spoke so much that I wasn’t  able to include all the products that I got… this will be included in the next haul! What are your best buys from the USA? I love their beauty products and Forever 21…. I could tell you everything or you could just watch the video!

Check out the video and if you have youtube don’t forget to subscribe!



Love us on facebook, tumblr and subscribe on youtube! 


A Pink Affair


I attended a beautiful baby shower for my best friends sister over the weekend and the theme was pink… she is having a baby girl within the next few weeks and I couldn’t be more excited to welcome another baby into the family! I have never attended a baby shower before it was a new exicitng experience for everyone… I am not at the stage were I want a baby but I am so excited for my friend! DSC03423

The theme was pink so I had a rummage through my wardrobe and found my cute pink dress that I bought last year from Zara, I initially got this for my cousins wedding but decided to wear the dress as a skirt and revamp it with a new top. I cleverly tucked in my t-shirt to make it look like a crop top and carrie like skirt!

DSC03421My top is from Primark and only cost me £10… I was initially trying to go for a Celine oversized t shirt with the cute sticky out pink skirt but thought the digital print would have a better effect! I got my Shoes from Zara last year, but I always feel that everything from Zara is an investment piece…. well for me anyway!


I am a sucker for a pink theme….. it was so beautiful to see everyone in different shades and the mother to be looked amazing! We had games.. a drag queen… a magician….lots of food and a crepe stand! What an amazing event to welcome the new baby into world…. only a few weeks to go!





DSC03417A few little presents for the new baby…. and if you know me you know I will always be looking out for a few fashionista’s no matter where I am! Check out some of the cool vibrant colours and style gurus at this event!





My beautiful friends …. how stunning are these ladies! MWAH DSC03403

DSC03564Beautiful Celine bag…. I need this in my life


What a cute pinky peach dress my friend was wearing with matching nail varnish and a nude pink hangbag!


All this pink made me so happy! Don’t forget to keep up to date with @IWANTYOURSTYLE on instagram … love us on facebook, youtube and tumblr!


Have an amazing day and keep smiling !



A woman’s handbag… or the kitchen sink?

They say that it’s rude to open a women’s bag, this is because men will realise that we actually carry the entire kitchen sink but we cleverly  disguise it in a small fashionable bag! Over the years I have carried everything from antiseptic wipes, henna cones, hair dye, hot sauce and even a dummy (I don’t have children). So the question still remains what is in your bag? Is it weird and wonderful or practical and organised? I am a fan of putting everything I could possibly need for that my life adventures in one little bag, if someone attempted to steal my hand bag they could last a week off the goods inside, I have water, goji berries, jewellery, chocolate.. and more chocolate… plasters.. antiseptic gel spray…. gum….. socks…. perfume….oh and the wallet!

You can tell a lot about a woman from the contents inside her handbag, my handbag would be saying ‘please organise the mess’ and questioning why I have so much jewellery and a large selection of half stamped Nando’s cards?

Find out what’s in my handbag with my new youtube video …. 


I recently invested in a new perspex clutch and realised that every time I use this bag people can see ‘me’, so I had to downsize and have a bag within a bag! If you are a woman you will defiantly have a bag within a bag, maybe even carry one of those life bags? The new perspex clutch basically exposes my deepest darkest secrets so it is only used on special occasions!





Have an amazing day and don’t forget to subscribe on youtube, love us on Facebook and tumblr!

Wear your prettiest accessory … your smile!


Goodbye Florida….

What an amazing two weeks… I went to the NYC for the first week and then ventured to Orlando Florida! I feel like I should invest in another holiday to get over the amount of fun I have just had. I have eaten copious amounts of healthy food, NYC chocolate pudding and cheesecake…. devoured about 10 burgers (shared with the cousin)…. had a microdermabrasion… randomly met Busta Rhymes and spent the majority of Orlando in parks and getting burnt! I have two amazing new youtube videos coming up in the next few weeks with my cousin which will be interesting… so you can get to know me a little bit more and have a great video on relationships!

I am contemplating moving to the USA for 6-12 months in the next year to explore what’s going on across the pond and you only live once so I might as well! While I was in NYC I couldn’t get enough of the foods, nightlife and fashion in Williamsburg!



After testing out sun in at the ends of my hair we verfied that it actually works…. after checking the ingredients it contains a substantial amount of bleach and I won’t be using this on the regular! For a nice summer holiday sun kissed look it’s great but be careful on the amount you choose to you! IMG_2847

Last lunch at the hotel…unbuttoned the jeans and taken off the rings! Sometimes you have to just indulge in great food and forget about the sunburn!

This random picture was taken ‘pre filming’ in the hotel room, the new video will be up sometime this week with my cousin! Hopefully it will make you laugh as we had such a great time answering all the questions! IMG_2712


During the week we visited Disney Land and Epcot, both were interesting and my inner child came out! What an amazing time, next time we go to Florida we are planning to go to visit the Universal Studios! There is nothing better than enjoying time with your family in the sun and having great food!

I have been spoilt and now back to London… I have missed the fashionistas!

Don’t forget to check out facebook, tumblr, youtube and if you have instagram its iwantyourstyle! 

Have a fab day