London Fashion Week Streetstyle Video

OOOOOO finally it is here… check out the hottest trendsetters from London Fashion Week!

Share love and enjoy!


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LFW Street Style… Day 2



London Fashion Week is one of the best events of the year, firstly it lasts for a week… secondly it forecasts the trends for the next season and my favourite reason of all is that the creative minds of the fashion industry are congregated together in the middle of London. Bloggers, designers, models, fashionistas, stylists, photographers and the rest….  if you have any interest in fashion, hang around Somerset House for a few hours and your perception of what ‘fashion’ is should change.

They say a picture can say a thousand words, I could try and explain the buzz and atmosphere but you should try and experience this in person. Rules are thrown out the window, there are no boundaries (well don’t turn up in your birthday suit), clashing prints, coloured hair, neon clutches, capes, drag queens, glitter eyebrows….. It’s exciting to see what people are coming up with, the most influential people in fashion are standing around queuing for shows.

I salute all of the individuals who have their own unique style, don’t be a sheep and follow everyone else …..try something new…. you never know it could actually suit you! This ss13 we will be seeing lots of vibrant neons, double prints and lots of monochrome. An oriental twist of fabrics and cuts will influence this up and coming season so explore and invest in something new.

I hope this street style inspires you to try something new!












All pictures were taken specifically for IWANTYOURSTYLE.

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Rihanna For River Island… LFW 2013

So ‘bad girl’ RIRI has finally crossed over to the dark side, welcome to the fashion world. Launching her first collection with River Island ….what were you expecting? I though this could initially go two ways be complete and utter tack or be the best thing since sliced bread.

I had a look at the collection this morning on the internet and was surprised by the reaction, the pieces are bright, cropped, edgy and daring. You have to have a Rihanna figure and attitude to pull these pieces off, the swim suits are WOW with a ‘baywatch’ high cut leg and I think I need to start investing in a decent fitness work out if I attempt to rock this on a night out! The shoes are amazing, this is something I will defiantly be buying, they are statement heels, big and in your face.

What do you think of the collection? Do you already love Rihanna’s style? I like the bright yellow and orange pieces and will be investing in them, I would love to rock the cropped tops but preferably with highwaisted skirts and trousers…. I’m not into showing my 6 pack (I wish)!


The shoes remind me of the Burberry collection last year, military chick but pretty ‘bad ass.’











What do you think? I would wear some pieces but wouldn’t style it differently, I love vibrant colours and head turning pieces but don’t like showing my stomach! What will you be buying?

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(Images from

LFW 2013 .. Street Style

What a day….my feet hurt and I didn’t even wear heels! I am blinded by the amount of neon outbursts that I saw at Somerset House, clashing prints, red creepers, bleached dip dye hair and bright bold colours. Today was an amazing day, I get a buzz every season seeing the fashion trend setters of the world situated on a cobbled pathway, drinking and posing as they rush to their shows.

This is fashion, not just what we see on the catwalks but what people are really wearing, how they style their interpretations of the trends. Seeing the ‘fashion’ community or fashion ‘elite’ congregate, you get the ‘posers’, the ‘wanabees’, the ‘don’t talk to me … I am fashion’ types, the models, the photographers, the celebrities and a bunch of happy bloggers. I fall into the ‘bloggers’ category, I crave out going street stylers with a sense of humour and I got my weekly fashion dose today, if you are new to the fashion world you are in for a treat.

Fashion has no limits during LFW, if you have time to pop down over the next few days …. just GO and bring a camera!

I love this double printed monochrome jacket and trousers with this oversized bag! The turquoise t-shirt is a flash of colour to brighten up and break up the full print! DSC02843

Denim Queen, this young lady has taken double denim to new heights! Wearing a dress as a skirt and wrapping denim as a head piece she stands out from the crowd! I think she looks great and love her bright red bag. DSC02866Animal print is back… well did it ever go away? This Zebra print jacket from Zara worn with more double denim and Chanel shoes! You would defiantly catch me wearing this in the future!


Funnily enough I have this leopard print denim shirt, its from Primarni or Primark to the rest of the nation! This crazy coloured rainbow lady turned heads, I think her hair and makeup is sensational! DSC02848

Neon and leather…. the only man that can style out white shoes!


This lady is so elegant and timeless with her whole look. Her hair, jacket, red lips and clutch just scream sophistication and fashionista! DSC02904

The embellished jacket, coral lipstick and blonde hair! I love this look, minus the leggings! DSC02893

After today I think I will invest in a pair of leather gloves and wear them with cute dresses to give them a retro look…..DSC02914


Love the clashing prints with the skinny checked print trousers and studded clutch! F.A.B.DSC02906


I can’t wait to invest in a new varsity jacket this season, this effortless chick look will work wonders for a day look!

I met the lovely youtube blogger Lilly! Love her hair and orange topshop jacket! DSC02917

Classic endless style with this all black outfit… check out her teeny waist! DSC02916

How cute does Laura Whitmore look in her mac and stripey top and skirt, very Pari!DSC02901


This cute hat with the ears, I want one!!

Crazy clashing prints, her pink hat and crazy digital print legging with her Chanel zipper jacket! Unique choice.. DSC02905



Sometimes we just never grow up, the rainbow hair with my little pony! So cute and so fashion!DSC02882

The lovely Baujken Ladies! DSC02910

Sometime the cape still has that headmistress effect, love the blue specs! Very interesting, I couldn’t stop staring!



This girl was super F.A.B and her much was such a trend setter, her neon pink jacket and big hair set her apart from the crowd! DSC02880



Accessories… accessories… and more accessories, leather studded clutches, satchels, clear plastic bags and hats, beanies and more neon! DSC02876




I love this double Virgos lounge special with the heavily embellished jacket and yellow clutch! I ama big fan of virgos lounge and this lady looked F.A.B!


I luckily me the Miss Guided team! They were so lovely and looked great…. I NEEEEEDDDD these glasses and they will be on their site in the next few weeks!



Really hope you love the post, don’t forget to check us out on facebook, tumblr and youtube!

Stay F.A.B and watch out you might be street styled soon!


Valentines Day….. the Perfect Red Lips!

Single? In a relationship or is it complicated? Valentines day is upon us and for some reason wether I am single or in a relationship I feel the need to look Fab and wear red! To be quite honest valentines day is another money making calendar event that we all succumb to the pressure off. If my boyfriend or the guy I am dating doesn’t buy me flowers I raise an eyebrow….but why should I……. shouldn’t he be spontaneously buying me flowers and treating me to a nice meal on the other 364 days of the year…. or do we have to be sickly sweet in a restaurant… share dessert (I don’t sharing my dessert…. but I will share yours) and pretend we are so in love and life is perfect!

This year I will be attending an anti-valentines day event…. this isn’t specifically for single people as quite a few of my girlfriends in relationships are going as well! This is just to prove that who ever you are with and whatever they get you it shouldn’t really matter…. they do need to make some sort of effort but I would rather have a great relationship in general and on valentines day have a laugh…. eat ridiculous amounts of cake and watch a horror film than have a sickly sweet fake night with a guy I don’t really like (just saying)!

Romance isn’t romance if it’s predicted and forced upon! It’s most probably the most anti climax calender event of the year, at least at Easter we stuff our faces with easter eggs! Now that I have had my valentines rant… I hope you are all doing something fab wether that is a home cooked meal with the lover…. an uber cheesy dinner or a anti valentines party with the girls….and if you are 100% alone… who else better to spoil than yourself?? (Go buy yourself something nice)


One of the most important things is looking fab…. there is just another excuse to look uber glam! Even when I am in a rush… it could be raining outside and my make up is half done I will always bring a bright lipstick… a bottle of perfume and some hair spray to keep my look fresh during the day!

For all those singletons looking to be foxy and ladies in a relationship this is your time to turn up the VA VA VOOM… get those big sexy curls on and add a dash of red lipstick!

I always wear a bright red lipstick so here are my favourite tried and tested products! These include MUA, Collection 2000, Barry M, YSL, Mac, Chanel so a variety of prices and shades!

Lip Scrub- Lush

Firstly I would recommend a lip scrub, you want soft plum lips that are kissable, even if you aren’t kissing anyone we don’t like chapped lips! They look unhealthy and can ruin a beautiful face of make up. I would recommend using the LUSH- Sugar Scrub! I have been using mint julips made from castor sugar, jojoba oil, vanilla extracts and peppermint oil. I use this every other night before I go to bed and scrub all the dead skin cells away to ensure my lips are looking healthy and plump. I would defiantly recommend getting this product, it comes in different flavours and Lush is a natural based cosmetics brand! It comes in a hand pot to carry around and sets you back only a few pounds! You can attempt to make this yourself with honey and brown sugar.


So I have crazy amounts of pink and red lipsticks and for valentines day I will be wearing my barry m lip liner in shade 5 and wearing my Rimmel Kate Moss shade 01! I wear these lipsticks together as they have such a great impact. The lipliner is long lasting and prevents my lipstick from bleeding into my makeup, the lipstick is ‘mattifying’ and lasts after eating!

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Always always always line your lips when wearing a bright colour, over the past few months I have become obsessed with the following four lipliners. Perfect for valentines day and great for everyday use. Sometimes I prefer to colour in the entire lip and wear the liners as a lipstick, they last longer are just so pretty.

MUA- Pink Me Up

This shimmery lip liner has an intense pink pigment but the shimmer lasts only for a few hours and doesn’t last for the entire day. The liner easy to use and very soft, to have a clean lined lip I sharpen this every other day. It only costs £1 and comes in 4 shades. If you don’t really use lip liners and want to try some new colours pick this up from super drug! I would rate this 6/10 for the product and 10/10 for the price!


Barry M

 I have shades LL3 (bright red) and LL12 (fuscia pink)! One of my favourite lipliners, the colour lasts all day and I normally wear this instead of a lipstick… depending on my mood. This pigment is very strong and lasts after eating, the red is such a bright vibrant red and can be worn under most red lipsticks. The bright pink reminds me of a ‘barbie’ pink, I love this and it instantly brightens up my look. The texture is velvety and goes on easily, add with a dash of gloss and you are read for a night out. Priced at £2.99 they are a must for every make up lover.I would rate the product 7/10 and the price 9/10.


Rimmel- Indian Pink 004 

This Rimmel ‘lasting finish– lipliner ‘stay on lip contouring pencil’ has an intense pigment with a long lasting finish. Normally I don’t trust what a majority of the products say on the tin, I have worn this in the morning (9am) and it lasted me until 3pm without me needing to retouch the lips. I have eaten and drank while wearing this. I would recommend that if you put a gloss on top it won’t last as long as it could if you are eating and drinking. This is one of my favourite colours, the texture is very soft and creamy but not too creamy but intense enough to stain the lips.This will only set you back £2.99 and is available in 7 different shades.  I would rate this product 8/10 for pigment and longevity and for price 9/10.





From left to right, MUA Pink Me Up, Barry M Pink, Barry M Red, Rimmel Indian Pink! 

Pout paint- Sleek

WOW firstly this is one of the most intense pigments I have ever used, this is a mix between a paint, a melted lipstick and a lip stainer. Add a bit of paint to a makeup tray or the back of your hand and use a lip brush to apply. When I initially got this I just squeezed it onto my lips and didn’t realise how intense or long lasting it would be. Marketed as a ‘highly pigmented lip stain’ is an understatement. It’s very velvety with a dash of gloss and intense colour but I would be very cautious if you are wearing light colours as this would stain your clothes. I do like this product but for daily use I would opt for a lipliner or lipstick. Sleek have a variety of different shades and this even comes in a white and blue, if you feel like being adventurous mix the colours together. This pout paint comes in at £4.99. I think it is defiantly worth the money and you will need a teeny amount to apply across the entire lip.



Red lipgloss Dupe

I have both intense red lip glosses that can be worn on a nude lip, one is Bobbi Brown and the other is Revlon. I have Bobbi Brown Hollywood Red 47 and Revlon colour burst 018 Fire. Both colours are pretty similar with a light red/coral undertone. Bobbi Browns lipgloss will cost you £17 compared to the revlon colour burst at £7.99. The BB lipgloss is extra glossy with a red undertone and is very sticky, I like this lipgloss and have been using them for quite a few years. They are slightly above budget but the shine lasts and stands out. The rimmel lipgloss contains a higher pigment and is slightly duller with a darker red undertone, it has more of a velvet texture and feels more like a lipstick/lipgloss than just a lipgloss. I would wear a lipliner under both of these but they are both great colours.




I have about 15 different red shades of lipsticks but will only be showing you the latest 8 today. I am currently obsessed with my Rimmel Kate Moss lipstick, its a matt red and lasts all day! I have another 2 Illamasqua red lipsticks that are intense in colour and a few other brands.


(Reviewing from left to right)

Rimmel Kate Moss Shade 1- One of my favourite lipsticks at the moment, the pigment is intense with a soft shine. The website states it lasts up to 8 hours and I have to agree it does last a long time, I would say around 5-6 hours because I am constantly drinking water and talking it really does test the longevity of the products. Only £5.49 I think it’s a great bargain and I would recommend getting this.

Rating for the product 7/10 and price 10/10.

Revlon- Cherries in the snow 440 I have the nail polish and this colour is a mix between a berry red and a raspberry. I would say it has more of a pink underlying tone than a cherry colour. This lipstick has a rich velvety tone with a bright pigment and will turn heads. This lipstick contains SPF 15 and is £7.49. I love this colour and like the fact that I can buy a matching nail varnish. The product does last up to 4 hours but has quite a sheer/shiny tone so fades quicker.

Rating 7/10 and price 8/10.

Illamasqua– A great brand with daring colours and pigments, I have a deep blue lipstick from here but will show you the two red lipsticks that I have. Illamasqua lipsticks are both mattifying and long lasting. I would recommend using a lip brush when putting this on. They last up to 10 hours but will obviously need to be touched up. I admit falling asleep with this on and waking up and the lipstick looking pretty much the same. The third lipstick in is sangers and is a blood red lipstick and then I also have maneater which is a cherry red. Both lipsticks are £16 but last a long time and I honestly think they are worth it. I think the most elegant red lipstick is a deep red with a matte finish.

Rating 8/10 and price 9/10.

Rimmel Rossetto Shade 5- This isn’t actually a red lipstick, this is a softer pink tone but again is long lasting and a nice alternative to a deep pink or bright red. The colour is soft and the finish is sheet.

Collection 2000- Cherry Pop shade 8– I love trying cheaper brands because I assume that the quality won’t be amazing but collection 2000 always surprises me. This bright red is hot and has a sheer reflective tones. Its the brightest red lipstick that I have and it sounds silly but I like the packaging as well. It lasts up to a few hours. This lipstick is one of their ‘volume sensation’ lipsticks, it contains an ingrediant that will plump up your lips by 40%*. I haven’t noticed a dramatic difference in regards to the lips looking bigger. The colour is great and it’s only £2.99. I did however feel a little tingle when putting this on, maybe is the feeling of my lips getting bigger! The coverage is light but the colour is intense and sheer.

Rating 7/10 and price 10/10

MUA lipstick shade 2- Again this is a pinky lipstick and not a red. I am not a fan of the packaging but I can’t really complain if the lipstick is a pound. The lipstick is quite thick with an intense pigment and is very creamy. The lipsticks come in 16 different shades, I think for an everyday lipstick this is great to have in the handbag. I was quite surprised with how intense the pigment was and for only a £1 you can’t really say no.

Rating 7/10 and price 10/10

YSL Rouge Pur Couture Shade 03- I love designer lipsticks they make me feel special. This set me back £25 so I don’t wear it everyday. This red is a ‘killer’ red, and the pigment is quite strong. The lipstick isn’t heavy or thick but has a nice shine. Next time I buy a YSL lipstick I will be investing in a mattifying lip colour as I feel that they last longer. It’s a medium to full coverage with a sheer tint. When buying a ‘designer’ lipstick I would always recommend going in store and trying out all the different colours to find your perfect shade.

I am in love with the packaging and think it is an investment lipstick.

Rating 8/10 and price 7/10.


Overall I hope you have found a nice red lipstick or lipgloss for valentines day! Wear red it really does brighten up your day. I would recommend trying a variety of different shades to see which one suits your skin tone!

Have an amazing valentines day !

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Goodbye savings… Hello Chanel

…. I can’t help it… I’m getting older and my taste is getting more expensive! When I was 5 I was happy with a happy meal and the latest Barbie….now I strive for Chanel on a Zara budget… so yes ……reality has hit me……it’s not happening unless it’s an investment piece! (In this case it is!)

I shop everywhere and I have said it a million times but… it’s not what you wear its how you wear it! I feel that you should invest in 3 designer/good quality items…. shoes… handbags (plural because one is never enough)…. and a jacket or coat!  

This morning on my way to work I was flocking through tumblr and BOOM…. there it was…. BUY ME (that little money spending demon in my head)…. ‘buy me … this would look amazing…. you have to get it….’ Then the saving angel fights back …’ you don’t need them… it’s just a black pair of trainers… your wearing black limited edition converse… don’t be silly’

The spending demon laughs, ‘don’t be so ridiculous… have you seen these shoes? They will be an investment piece’ …. So yes two sides of my brain were having a full blown conversation and I didn’t actually say a word but I know at this point in time I am undecided.



I can’t get this from an ordinary trainer… we both know that! They are just so beautiful… LIKE WOW!!! It’s not even the fact that they are Chanel, they could be Zara but the roses are so pretty! An elegant chic trainer! I might invest if they aren’t ridiculously expensive….if anyone has the link online please send it to me! I have been on the site and nothing… will be ringing the head office tomorrow!

… Would you invest???

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Street Style London- Exclusive IWYS video

Finally it is here…… the first IWYS street style London video… my lovely friend Jamma and I ran up and down London to find the finest street style hotties in London! If you are involved in the video then firstly thank you…. you LOOK FAB! You stood out and yes …. I do want your style!

This first exclusive video focuses on what people are really wearing… how they are interpretting todays fashion … especially in London’s weather! We are a nation of fashionista’s and I salute anyone rocking their own style and standing out! We don’t want to be sheep wearing the same clothes… make a difference and try something new! If you are more of a ‘plain jane’ then try something new…. remember that the high street is your catwalk! Stand out…. dress how you feel! Sometimes I rock out in skinny jeans and converse and the next day I am head to toe in studs or neon… maybe not that extravagant but I love to make things my own! Don’t be bound by fashion trends…. do whatever you want to do and stand out!


Please share and spread the love on your facebook.. twitter… or whatever you want! Let’s appreciate street style …. we want to see what the nation is really wearing not models in a magazine!



This is just a sneak peek…. hope you love it!

Subscribe on youtube and the site to keep up to date !

Don’t forget think big to get big! I can’t wait for London Fashion Week… all the most stylist outraegous people in one location!

Do what you love……


Street Style…. I heart you!

Everyone needs some inspiration….. I could flick through the old Vogue magazines, pick up the latest Elle or have a look online but these are unrealistic expectations! I want the REAL side of fashion, the true story of fashion… what people are actually wearing not the sugar coated models with their camera friendly smiles!

The love of street style is spreading like wildfire and it’s real people wearing highstreet, vintage, designer… whatever they have! I love finding people with a great sense of style…. the world is full of weird and wonderful things…. my campaign this year is to find fun and exciting, inspirational characters who dare to wear whatever they feel and still look stylist.

I don’t want to take pictures of followers of fashion… I want trend setters! …. The first street style exclusive will be release at the end of this week! Check out some of the street style hotties I have found on the internet… I don’t really like putting images on the site that I haven’t taken but these are inspirational shots! For more inspirational check out the latest place for style lovers!



The Street Fashion 5x Pro

fashionfreax.metFashion Freaux

afashionforteA Fashion Forte


Guest of Guest



districtmtvDistrict MTV





Well I hope you enjoyed the random pictures and I am so excited for the release of  something very special this week… keep your eyes peeled and stay tuned!

Don’t forget to love us on facebook, tumblr and youtube!


Happy New Year ….

Happy New Year and welcome to 2013! I am so glad 2012 is over… remember one door closes and 5 open! Look back on the last year… what do you want to change? What do you want to achieve? Set your self some goals and change your attitude towards life…. DREAM….. BELIEVE…….ACHIEVE!!

My new years eve was amazing… my amazing cousin/twin came down from NYC and we were spoilt for a lovely week living like princess’s in London town! Life is what you make it…. it’s about being around the people you love and doing what you love! I was fortunate enough to have great people around me and going to a great places! My year ended with a bang….. I have rocketed into 2013 with a new mind set, new strategy on life and a kick ass attitude! **HI-FIVE**

For New Years eve we went to The Arts Club on Dover Street…. it was beautiful, the food was amazing and all of a sudden the clock struck 12 and we were dancing away into January!

So the Twin wore the cutest little dress from Topshop, the brand is Jones and Jones. They have been making these cute sticky out dresses for quite a while, their signature style is a high neck, low back, fitted waist and sticky under skirt! This dress looked stunning on and with simple accessories can really create an impact!DSC02443


My gorgeous blue dress was from Topshop… I have been eyeing up this floor length gown for quite a while and we found these two beauties at around 4pm on New Years Eve… it was a stress at first but after a few hours in Topshop on Oxford Circus we found the treasure! SAM_0371

I am literally falling in this photo…. not sure why I was smiling maybe because I was so happy 2012 was over! SAM_0284-2







DSC02439 tumblr_lwbd9yOq4o1r87h2qo1_500_large skeI went for a heavy glitter smokey eye… to get this look check out my up and coming beauty channel on youtube! It was so easy to do and lasted the whole night!


Remember this is YOUR year… you are writing the future and don’t let anyone else do it for you! Take control, kick ass and make yourself proud ladies!

tumblr_lwbd9yOq4o1r87h2qo1_500_largeWishes and dreams can come true but all it takes is some dedicate and a direction and you will get there! Don’t give up, pursue your dream and do what makes YOU happy!


Sometimes we have to make mistakes to make us into the people we are today!


Just kick back, enjoy, smile, life is too short to hold grudges! Love the people that love you and LIVE YOUR LIFE!


tumblr_m1r70opqhu1qkavhwo1_500Good luck and I hope this is YOUR year! xxxx


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Selling your soul for style??

I love fashion and some of the finer things in life… but are we addicted to shopping and selling our soul for style??? If it looks nice i normally can’t help myself and buy it… but who am i kidding… I’m obsessed? 

I most probably shop more than I give to charity….. or even pray which is terrible… I think a lot of us are so involved in ‘ourselves’ that we forgot how privileged we actually are…. uploading meaningless photos on Facebook and tagging ourselves in stupid albums to we are perceived in a certain way…. GET A GRIP AND STOP BEING SO SELF OBSESSED… (I’m a victim of this as well)

We aspire to look a certain way… ( some people take it to extremes with bad fake tan)… add hair extensions…. slap our faces with make up… all for what? so we come across as a ‘nicer’ person or we are ‘prettier’ than the girl next door… whatever… WAKE UP…. THIS IS NOT LIFE…

… they look like ump a lumpasss…..

Life is not about how pretty we are … how lovely our extensions look… how skinny we are… how most of us are dying on this dukan diet for the 2 weeks holiday that isn’t worth it… We diet… we scrutanise … pick ourselves apart to look like the women on the magazines…. honestly the average uk women is a size 14… the majority of women on magazines have stylists, make up artists…. personal trainers… all of this to look a certain way..

… nice hair extensions.. eek!!… 

When at the end of the day if you aren’t nice.. who cares?? looking a certain way can get you into the latest ‘club’ or get the hot guy to notice you but stop BEING SO DAMN SHALLOW and stop thinking about yourself…

love, happiness, honesty, trust…. thats what we need to promote and inner beauty….

I am going to be completely honest… i love make up, clothes , fashion and having  a certain lifestyle but it all means nothing is the people you love aren’t there to share it with you….

would you rather be on a luxury holiday with all your designer clothes alone … or you have a great holiday with family and friends and a nice destination but memories to keep forever!!

The media is full of bull of who is Kim k dating today ( yes i do read this… as i said i am already a victim)…. what size is some random from TOWIE or what is Kate Middleton wearing…. 

Last week i bought 4 fashion mags…. and 90% were adverts or rules and tips on ‘how I can look better’ …. ‘5 ways to improve your sex life’…. ‘ if you eat these foods you will become skinny’… we wonder why our teenagers are self obsessed and lack morals and a majority of them an odd ‘tango orange’ colour…. WHAT IS HAPPENING TO OUR SOCIETY…

We are aspiring to be air heads….. also hair extensions…. please…. ‘You want natural looking curls without the frizz…. firstly … that is not your hair… secondly you need someone to professionally blow dry your hair to even get those results… we are already setting ourselves up to fail…. We buy into these gimics and some of us take it to the extreme….

the whole point of this is ..yes love fashion and styles but don’t let it define you unless you are a designer.. and even then… give back… It actually makes me sick that either everyone has a blackberry, galaxy or iPhone.. yes there are still people begging on the streets….. droughts all over the world and starving children ….. SERIOUSLY

We are so obsessed with our own lives and wrapped up and you forget…. when you are on the train… when does anyone get up and give you  seat…. this annoys me the most… pregnant women wear a badge ‘ baby on board’ and the only people that I have seen offer their seat are women….

WHAT HAPPENED TO MANNERS….anyway again i am going off point… next week you will see uploaded posts of ‘the top ten nail varnishes’…. ‘5 best beauty secrets” because we are a image obsessed society…..

Remember if you had any emotions towards this post.. hopefully positive please re-post/retweet… more importantly tell the people you care about you love them… call you nan… say hi to your neighbour… make time for people… we don’t know whats going to happen tomorrow?? Sounds a bit depressing but BE HAPPY… LIVE…. LAUGH… BE HAPPY AND SMILE!!!!!!!!!