I love me more…..

So….. where do I even start! Yes I love you but I love me more… many women I have met in the past have managed to always put someone else before them (normally a man that doesn’t appreciate them) and never really value themselves for who they are….. this has to stop! As selfish as this may sound… sometimes we need to be selfish and fully healed before we start a new relationship with someone, I have heard people say that they can’t live without this person and they would die if they broke up with their boyfriend! As romantic as this may sound at some point it also sounds slightly crazy, I have been there and said all that…. got the t-shirt and look at me now…. living…. jumping around …. and enjoying my life so much more!

In a relationship there should be a healthy balance and as women we should always have our ‘own things’ going on in regards to personal friends, hobbies and goals and whatever else you have! I am not going to sugar coat any situation but you meet as two individuals and make a life together and you should compliment each other not complete each other! This is my personal opinion and from looking at successful relationships in my family they have all taken a leaf from this book! Being a strong women and having your own goals in life is great but once you get in a relationship do NOT be that girl that forgets her friends…. doesn’t come out any longer and isn’t allowed to go on a girls holiday because the ‘bf’ doesn’t like it! In this scenario I believe trust is the issues…. the reason I can so casually talk about these things is because at some point I was that girl! I never ever ever ever thought I would get myself into that position… I still saw my friends but my ex was a major part of my life at that time… as the relationship was unhealthy and I found out he was a sociopath it all makes sense! The whole point of this ladies is never loose yourself for anyone! Always keep your eye on the ball and if you love someone they should support your dreams and help you get there.


I also hear a lot of women saying …. ‘oh I want to marry a rich man’….. hmmmm firstly why don’t you get rich yourself and make something of yourself instead of just managing to fall into money! Like attracts Like… so if you are a strong ambitious women who wants to work hard and get rich you will… if you want to just marry a rich man and do nothing then thats you! I would personally much prefer being a strong independent successful women and meeting a man who is pretty much the same! Remember that the materialistic things in life don’t make you happy… I would rather have a man that thought about something to help me achieve my dream instead of flashing some cash to impress me! Some women like that… however if you have a brain and are not impressed by money then you are two steps ahead!

I met up with the ladies yesterday after work for a chitchat, it was a beautiful summers day in London and we managed to go to Aqua Rooftop to catch a few rays….the main topics we discussed were boys… fashion… boys boys and boys! Previous relationships, things we have learnt… what we want in life… who we are dating…etc…. Just a basic catch up that managed to last until 930 where we then decided to eat our problem away… YAY


Previously to meeting them I managed to get marks all down my pretty dress so had a quick outfit change into the Pineapple Princess…. I got this cute number from HnM… super comfortable and super cheap ladies! (I bought this earlier on that day!)


My beautiful friends who I love…. Bey’s pretty sunglasses are from Marc Jacobs and I need to ask Elle where hers are from… designer but not sure! IMG_8075

Bey’s stunning necklace is from ASOS and currently online! I love my fashionable friends… not only are they fashionable ladies but it’s so refreshing to meet women who are ambitious…. have their head screwed on the right way… respect themselves and enjoy life! Place yourself around positive people and be a leader not a follower!


So yes we discussed men… boys… men and boys! The reason I decided to differentiate between the two is because even though we have all dated and have ex boyfriends a lot of the ‘men’ are still actually boys! They may be older, successful but they still have a lot of maturing when it comes to treating women and being in  relationships! Treat people how you would like to be treated…… I have met many men that see women as objects of desire instead of actual people! Be wise ladies and choose your partner carefully, I hope he appreciates you for everything you are from your brain, ambition and what you stand for.



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Let’s just be happy…

IWANTYOURSTYLE is not just about fashion, street styling, beauty and make up but I have made the conscious decision to  invite  you  into my world.


It’s quite an overwhelming experience that I post my thoughts, pictures and discuss my emotions on the internet for anyone to read. I have no idea who is reading this or what their perception is off me, but for some reason it feels right and I love doing it.


I am not just a a shopaholic, I have a purpose in life and I never take myself too seriously! I don’t do things by halves, if you catch me laughing I will be in hysterics and if I am emotional I will be a mess. I could never put a front on or try to act a certain way, I can’t stand the obnxious fashionista’s who refuse to eat and judge me if my designer bag is last season. I own both Primark and Prada bits and will rock them at the same time, to me fashion is not what you wear it’s how you wear it. You could be dressed head to toe in Chanel and have zero personal style, please please please take your own perspective on fashion and wear whatever you think goes. Don’t be a sheep, make the trends and mix it up with your own personal twist!


I looked at my life today and realised for quite some time I haven’t actually been living, over a year I was just following the herd. I went to school, graduated with a good degree, got a job and now I am questioning all those decisions… is this it? Is this really what I want to do? I want to wake up every day creating something new, working towards my goals and making a difference in life and I find that at this moment in time my little blog and youtube gives me those opportunities. Are you happy with what you are do? Are you even living your life? I am at that point in my life where big chances are going to happen…. I am excited and nervous! EEEKKK


Keep your eyes peeled I have a new motivational and hair video up this week… street styling and a new haul will be on it’s way! Have an amazing day, don’t forget to check youtube, tumblr, instagram and facebook!



Wedding, Prom and Summer Dresses

Hello my lovelies…. I have been super busy with work and I haven’t been able to upload my wedding and prom inspirational lookbook. This was filmed before my brothers wedding and I had no idea what to wear so I bought a selection of dresses! I literally has no idea what to wear, what the weather would be like.. should I wear a fitted dress, short dress, long dress…. all these questions and so little time…. so I had a rummage on the highstreet and found all these beauties!

For occasion dresses I would recommend going to Reiss, Ted Baker and Coast but these dresses are more formal, structured and slightly more expensive… for an occassion dress that you can dress up or down I would go to Zara, Topshop, Miss Selfridge, Asos or Warehouse… Remember it’s not what you wear it’s how you wear it! Invest in good accessories, heels and make your dress look individual. The only problem with buying dresses from the highstreet for a special occasion is the possibility of someone having the same dress as you… but look fab and wear it better ladies! (Beyonce strut)

 … I hope you like the youtube video…. my hair was all over the place so i apologise for all the hair touching …

Outfit 1

My yellow floral dress is from topshop, its £95 and the hair band is £25! It’s currently in store and they have a shorter version in a peachy colour. the straps can be worn up or down but I preferred them tucked in.



Outfit 2

This super cute dress is from Oasis, its a limited edition 60’s dress and cost £75! In real life it’s bright and vibrant and works well with a tan… if not just fake it!



Outfit 3

This pretty floral dress is also from Oasis and cost £65, I got it in a size 6!I loved this dressed but it wasn’t practical for a wedding as it has cut out bits at the side! The pretty headband in the youtube is from Primark for £5!



Outfit 4

My favourite dress and the one that I wore during the ceremony! The gold and green paisley print made me feel like I was wearing a 60’s dress. I added an underskirt to make the dress stick out! The dress was from Miss Selfridge and cost £55. My shoes are last season from Zara.


Outfit 5

Another pretty dress from Miss Selfridge and it only cost £55. I liked this dress however it has too much cleavage on show for the wedding so I decided to wear the green dress instead. The material looked slightly cheap but the print of the dress was very pretty. bluedress


Outfit 6

This vibrant yellow dress was from Oasis, it cost £50 and came with this black belt. I removed the belt and added a cute fur gillet from coast. Wear this with nude or match it with orange to stand out even more!



Outfit 7

I love the colour red and this beauty cost £65 from warehouse. It fitted well and I really like the 3/4 mid length dress it looks very elegant. Check out my previous videos on youtube to get this super cute hairstyle.




Outfit 8

I know you can’t wear white to someone else’s wedding but this would be cute for prom. This embellished beaded dress is from Warehouse and cost £95. The headband is from oasis and cost £12. I think this dress can be dressed up or down. Add a pair of classic round toe or peep toe shoes to give the dress some sophistication. The dress is slightly see through so wear a underskirt. DSC04833



I hope you have an amazing day and if you have an occasion coming up I hope this inspired you. If you need any help or advice for dresses and style tweet me @foofiefoo or inbox me! Remember keep your head high, smile and keep going! Get drunk off of your own positivity and be a go getter!

Dream… believe… achieve… don’t forget to check out instagram, facebook, youtube and tumblr!




Spring in my Step

Finally we have some nice weather in London and I had a quick rummage through my summer wardrobe and found my favourite maxi dress from last year! It’s bright, vibrant and makes me happy… colours have an affect on my mood so when the sun is shining I will be wearing the brightest colours possible… if not you will find me in black!

My dress is from H&M (last year) and my jewellery is from ASOS (currently online)… I am feeling a bit weird today but I believe that when life gives you lemons… make the best damn lemonade you can! Remember that everything happens for a reason and we are always learning, my mum tells me to this day that she still has life lessons to learn! Smile… live your life and focus on you!


















Have an amazing day and don’t forget to love yourself first…. you will never be able to love someone properly if you don’t value and love yourself first! A relationship is suppose to compliment you not complete you.

Love us on facebook, tumblr, instagram, youtube and twitter!


Terry De Havilland

I am always on the look for a new brand, something different with it’s own vibe! I can’t stand generic brands that filter the catwalk trends to their customers! I want something original and I found it…. FINALLY!

If you love shoes you are going to love Terry De Havilland, known as the ‘Rock and Roll Cobbler’ he is back with his exclusive store just off of Carnaby Street! Vibrant, full of colours, beautifully made with statement prints- and some of them even glow in the dark!




The SS13 collection stands for indulging, indulging in one’s love for pop art. With the charm of a Roy Lichtenstein painting and the visual stimulation of a Technicolor film, Terry De Havilland  is easy to wear and brightens up any outfit.



I need these shoes in my life… think its time to make an investment! I have a thing for cobalt blue shoes!



Not a heel lover, check out their festival boots which range from £180-£250 depending on the design! I think the sparkle takes off the hardcore edge of the shoes and makes them versatile! How will you wear them?



Check out their full collection online or visit the store! I will be investing in a pair very soon! And if you haven’t already you really should be asking yourself “why haven’t I?”. Make a statement in this years seasons collection.

Have an amazing day and don’t forget to love us on facebook, youtube, instagram and twitter!

Think big to get big peeps


Live Your Life … it’s not a rehearsal

We spend so much time stressing about doing this and that … we forget to enjoy each day and to just live! Stop stressing… smile… laugh.. cry… scream… whatever it is but enjoy every moment! Absorb the world around you and explore something new! Do something new this week… stop procrastinating and just do! Nothing has to be perfect… forget the plan and just do! Don’t be scared… dive in head first and enjoy it… you may succeed … it might not go to plan but you would never know if you don’t try! Everything happens for a reason.. smile…… and kick sadness in the face!

Check out my amazing colourful weekend around London….. remember it’s not a rehearsal so go for it! Embrace everything!!!!!!







(my attempt at climbing a tree….. it didn’t really work!







(the boy tries to do a cartwheel… aww)tumblr_lno3upsz4A1qiikbto1_500







What I am wearing 

Zara green floral shirt

Zara Leather jacket

Zara green jeans

Black Converse













I have a really great motivational video that will be out this week…. check it out this week on youtube! Don’t forget to love us on facebook, tumblr and instagram! 



American Apparel Lookbook




So I finally made my lookbook… check out the individual outfits below! Have a great day and wear something fab! Don’t forget to subscribe on youtube and give it a thumbs up!


Outfit 1

Zara Jacket, Brick lane sunglasses, AA black disco pants, limited edition all black converse, Charlie Le Mindi Tshirt!








Outfit 2

Red AA trousers, Zara studded leather jacket (studded myself), Zara SS13 season shoes, Forever 21 leopard jumper!






Outfit 3

Green AA disco pants, Zara leopard wedges, Warehouse black top, Zara sequin jacket , clear clutch ebay






Outfit 4

Black AA trousers, HnM peplum top, Orange SS13 Forever 21 jacket, Zara SS13 shoes, clear clutch ebay






Outfit 5

Green AA disco pants, Johnny cupcakes jumpers, Zara pink blazer, Miu Miu Trainers






Outfit 6

Yellow Zara jacket, Forever 21 t shirt, black AA disco pants, Zara studded flat brogues




Outfit 7

Green AA trousers, Warehouse silk printed top, HnM white fluffy cardigan






Have a great day, don’t forget to love us on facebook, tumblr, instagram and subscribe on youtube!


A Pink Affair


I attended a beautiful baby shower for my best friends sister over the weekend and the theme was pink… she is having a baby girl within the next few weeks and I couldn’t be more excited to welcome another baby into the family! I have never attended a baby shower before it was a new exicitng experience for everyone… I am not at the stage were I want a baby but I am so excited for my friend! DSC03423

The theme was pink so I had a rummage through my wardrobe and found my cute pink dress that I bought last year from Zara, I initially got this for my cousins wedding but decided to wear the dress as a skirt and revamp it with a new top. I cleverly tucked in my t-shirt to make it look like a crop top and carrie like skirt!

DSC03421My top is from Primark and only cost me £10… I was initially trying to go for a Celine oversized t shirt with the cute sticky out pink skirt but thought the digital print would have a better effect! I got my Shoes from Zara last year, but I always feel that everything from Zara is an investment piece…. well for me anyway!


I am a sucker for a pink theme….. it was so beautiful to see everyone in different shades and the mother to be looked amazing! We had games.. a drag queen… a magician….lots of food and a crepe stand! What an amazing event to welcome the new baby into world…. only a few weeks to go!





DSC03417A few little presents for the new baby…. and if you know me you know I will always be looking out for a few fashionista’s no matter where I am! Check out some of the cool vibrant colours and style gurus at this event!





My beautiful friends …. how stunning are these ladies! MWAH DSC03403

DSC03564Beautiful Celine bag…. I need this in my life


What a cute pinky peach dress my friend was wearing with matching nail varnish and a nude pink hangbag!


All this pink made me so happy! Don’t forget to keep up to date with @IWANTYOURSTYLE on instagram … love us on facebook, youtube and tumblr!


Have an amazing day and keep smiling !



New York City….. Fashionistas

This week I have been touring around New York City looking for new bits and bobs with my cousin and we went decided to venture to Brooklyn. When she first mentioned Brooklyn I was skeptical but she said I would like it, so we jumped on the subway and arrived in this ‘East London meets Portobello’ like area. Williamsburg is full of cute edgy restaurants, artwork, vintage shops and random street stalls.

Whenever I go to a new city I try to avoid the tourist areas so I can get a real feel for the city, I don’t want to visit H&M or Zara I want to find the cool vintage stores, eat in the niche restaurants and live like a local. So far my favourite areas in New York are the meatpacking district for restaurants and clubs, Soho for shops and Williamsburg for the fashionista lifestyle. The first thing I noticed when we got to Williamsburg were the amount of well dressed men and street art. I appreciate all different senses of style this side of town had its own cool edge about it, firstly I could see the sky because the buildings were not sky scrapers.


Watching someone create this master piece was so interesting, walking down the street we passed street stalls with jewellery, random books and people selling their old bits and bobs. IMG_2327


If you love art this is somewhere you need to visit, it’s full of life and street art was everywhere. We had a random photographer stop us to take our photo. I have a thing for street art and we found it on every corner. IMG_2322

Bone Thugs NYC was a cool street store that made little jumpers for dogs….. super cool and very random! IMG_2323






The street art was so colourful and inspirational, coming from London we don’t have enough bright coloured street art! Such bright popping colours and a great back drop for photo-shoots. IMG_2343


We walked into this random vintage store and found these two giant paintings… how funny are these?IMG_2347






I don’t think I want to live in London anymore… I think it’s time for a change…. you only live once….. NYC here I come!

Don’t forget to love us on facebook, tumblr and youtube!

Have an amazing day…and book your next holiday!


Perspex Party!

The perfect accessory for any fashionista, the perspex accessory is the latest way to transform your wardrobe into this season. Bright colours, double prints, clever tailoring and layering can make your high street outfit look designer.

Remember to have a strong eye for detail, at the moment I am on the hunt for a perspex bag or clutch! A lot of ‘practical’ women will most probably be thinking.. why would I want someone to see whats in my purse? This is a statement purse and this perspex/transparent trend is going global, shoes, accessories and even clothing!


Shorouk are one of my favourite jewellery brands, their statement pieces are embellished with the craziest coloured Swarovski crystals and they create the most intricate head turning pieces. The glamorous bibs, rings and earrings have a modern twist by combining twisted rope and PVC as their main base. The brands reminds me of arabian glamour with an Edwardian feel. They have recently developed the most beautiful bags I have ever seen, cute handbags embellishes with jewellery.




The standard size starts at €500 and the jumbo clutch ranges to €800, see the full collection here!

I had a quick look on Etsy.com and found some interesting handmade perspex clutches! This super cool clutch has a gold embellished plate on the front and costs $85 dollars but there is only one available. 


Mnologie on Etsy have their own personalised perspex clutches where you can have your name engraved.



You can buy a clear plain oversized clutch for only $38 which would be about £20!


What do you think of this trend? Will you be investing? I have just purchased mine off the internet.. I will be customising mine when it arrives!






Love or hate this trend?

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